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Skyanne rose


Give it ya best.

900 Replies

What are you obsessed with right now?

Adventuring :)

Sk_yannerose replied 3136 days ago 2

hey stranger


Sk_yannerose replied 3136 days ago

how long have you and ya boyfriend been together for now ???

I don't have a boyfriend haha.

Sk_yannerose replied 3136 days ago

i think people are just trying to make trouble were there isn't any needed clearly you both have gone your one ways and people really need to no that enough is enough its time to let go of all the childish smack talking

Yes, finally someone who agrees with me!

Sk_yannerose replied 3789 days ago

im very happy for you that you have grown up and now are doing the best for your little one

I was always doing the best for my child from day dot, but now I have realised that his my number one and his coming first before myself and anyone else.

Sk_yannerose replied 3789 days ago

To the ladies: your type of guy?

Good with kids, caring, kinda, sweet, respectful.

Sk_yannerose replied 3789 days ago

if your so happy then why make trouble for yourself.

How have I made trouble for myself when I stay home all the time, haven't been out in three or four months, haven't really talk to anyone but three people even then it's about what's been going on in their life, I stay to myself because I've realised I'm a Mother I don't need the high school play ground bull**** around my child or myself. So why not look in the mirror and see who's making the trouble!?

Sk_yannerose replied 3789 days ago 1

heard your ex doesn't care about you anymore

His an ex for a reason so stop with the questions and **** about him, I've moved on and haven't spoken to him or his mates for a very long time because I got sick of all the bull**** that was going around and was getting made, now that I have them outta my life I don't have bull**** coming to me every second, but clearly people are still trying to make bull**** witch I don't care for. People need to move on because I broke up with him and now we are strangers, end of story! ❤️

Sk_yannerose replied 3789 days ago 1

Thoughts on Mel Corles ??

No comment.

Sk_yannerose replied 3789 days ago

are you talking **** about people ??

How the hell can I talk **** about people when I don't talk to anyone anymore because all they do is talk ****?! Go figure.

Sk_yannerose replied 3789 days ago

Thoughts on jordon brown ?

His an amazing guy, who's always caring and funny, knows how to put a smile on anyone's face, he has his annoying moments but that's just him, his very good with kids he'll make a good Father one day, oh and his my handsome boyfriend who I love ☺️❤️

Sk_yannerose replied 3790 days ago

thoughts on Courtney Hancock?

I don't know her to be honest, and I would actually really like it if people would stop asking me stuff about her when I have no idea who she is or want to know who she is. Mk.

Sk_yannerose replied 3790 days ago

have not seen you around why you hiding for ??

Haven't been hiding anywhere, just been getting my life on track and actually doing something with it.

Sk_yannerose replied 3790 days ago

thoughts on Tony Fakhoury?

We use to be kinda close but things change, his nice though.

Sk_yannerose replied 3790 days ago

thoughts on Tayla Cherbakof

She's alright I guess.

Sk_yannerose replied 3790 days ago