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40 Replies

corey hedger is a knob who trys to get nudes off twelvies, its ****ed up. thought u should know. he is a wanker.

By posting this on my qoohme I'm assuming you're trying to change my opinion of him? otherwise I don't really get why you're *****ing about another person, to me, anonymously. and you know what? to be completely honest I don't give a **** about your opinion, and neither would he. And if I knew who you were I would have just lost a lot of respect for you. you may think of him like that, but I don't, and a lot of people don't. I love that boy so much, he has the best humour and we could talk for hours about basketball. he's nice to me and ive had a ****load of good times and fun with him over the past few years. take your opinion elsewhere ***hole. you didn't think I 'should know' otherwise you would have inboxed me. I know who he is, he's my mate. I don't want to hear it xxxxxxxxxxxxx

SkyeMaree34 replied 4015 days ago

Your source of happiness?

My life does. Those around me, my family and friends. My amazing life. Basketball. My passions and hobbies and my ability to pursue the dreams/goals I want to.

SkyeMaree34 replied 4016 days ago

Define a 'twerp'

probs a Richmond supporter whom is an idiot, therefore lowering richmonds standards and reputation. anyone who is like that should not advertise they support Richmond, they should do the team a favour and keep it hush. anyone like that is a true twerp. p.s. hi jenko

SkyeMaree34 replied 4017 days ago

Thoughts on
Amanda Whelan
Shaylagh Tupek

manda- love that girl, she's so sweet and lots of fun to be around, never judges me and can talk about absolute **** with her and it be funny :) shaylagh- such a nice girl! has always been lovely to me and she's so god damn pretty! we don't hang out all that much but we talk to eachother and she's super sweet! am there for either of these girls if they ever needed it

SkyeMaree34 replied 4017 days ago

heard you and some others had fun on camp? thoughts?

did you now? everyone had a great time there as far as I know, it was a good camp :P also, I whoever you are, you're a smartass :P

SkyeMaree34 replied 4017 days ago

thoughts on Corey hedger lately?

Love him to bits, would tell him anything, best guy ever. always have thought that. we're not as close, and I hate that, but, **** happens. value his friendship so much

SkyeMaree34 replied 4017 days ago

Thoughts on M.Stirland, J.Jenkinson, T.Linnane

mitch- a great friend! so nice and always there, he's under appreciated a lot! and very shy but so nice! love him! jenko- such a ****head, haha but he's always there when you need him and is such a great guy when he's not being annoying. when he is being annoying, I just want to punch him in the head repeatedly. and he knows it tom- miss him so much!! wish he was doing vcal at school so I could atleast see him twice a week! became friends with him through my cousin, and it took a while but he's an awesome guy once you get to know him!

SkyeMaree34 replied 4017 days ago

I use to hate you. I never knew why something about you just bugged me. I honestly have no idea why though cuz you're a lovely person. I like you now and I'm sorry :( might have been envy or something like that but I'm sorry for hating you. You're gorgeous <3

aw! Thankyou so so much, that's really sweet of y9u, don't be sorry its fine :) cant make everybody like you haha, please tell me who this is? I would like to know? thankyou :) xx

SkyeMaree34 replied 4019 days ago

Anyone you miss??

yes! Aleck beck, Tom linnane, I miss how close me and corey were. I miss marinia, a friend from overseas, really want to talk to her in person lately! miss a few people!

SkyeMaree34 replied 4019 days ago

Who do you think you've become closer with this year?

a few people, and I've met new people already :) mainly I'm getting closer with Chelsea and over this past week I actually can hold a conversation with corey Worland hahh

SkyeMaree34 replied 4019 days ago

Have you ever been annoyed by someone for no reason? Like they never did anything bit they really bugged you?

I don't think so. however there are people that don't do anything to me directly, but to others, or the way they act/things they say annoy the crap out of me, and that's why they bug me. theres no one who I just decide to be bugged by haha they have to have done something, but not necessarily directly

SkyeMaree34 replied 4019 days ago

How much is enough money for you?

I'd love a ****load of money, for me and my family (present and including future) but it's not really what I would want most or think about most in life. here are many other things I put first.

SkyeMaree34 replied 4019 days ago

What special event are you going to miss on the 5th of March because your on camp?

None other than jack jenkinsons sixteenth birthday!! ;)

SkyeMaree34 replied 4024 days ago

Who makes you happy?

lots of people do. anyone can make me happy. but, my family does.

SkyeMaree34 replied 4025 days ago

What are you not looking forward to once you finish VCE?

seeing everyone everyday, seeing those people that you are not necessarily close with but you get a long with and have a good talk to. life being easy. because I know what we think is 'hard' now, is nothing. the memories, leaving that part of my life behind, that's ****ing scary haha

SkyeMaree34 replied 4026 days ago