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Please Don't Be Stupid Or Immature :)

360 Replies

Do you play Far Cry 3???


Skyezie replied 4100 days ago

Hey Valerie I just want you to know that you are very beautiful and I like you alot

Bbm me :) ♡

Skyezie replied 4101 days ago

Heloooo fav girl"FRIEND" :p we don't talk a lot but why should that stop us from being awesome buddies :D love you awesomest person

Hey Random :D
Bbm me, then we can talk :)

Skyezie replied 4101 days ago

Weird how even today people are so racist

I'm not racist .. Get over yourself =Ð

Skyezie replied 4101 days ago

Hey val ;;)
Loove you soo much, I'll always give you a hand to hold when you get piercings;;) k?
Loove you!:D xx Katherine_Kat_Lupton

Heey Kat ;;)
Uhhh I love you too, thanks too much! .. That day ey =))
Stay amazing ♡ xx

Skyezie replied 4101 days ago

What makes you attracted to white guys? Can't it be the same for black guys?

Nope n just see them as friends
Now stop asking these questions :)

Skyezie replied 4105 days ago

Hey Hey. You are so f***ing awesome never ever change u don't know me but I know u :p x

Thanks man!:p
Bbm me x

Skyezie replied 4105 days ago

ARe you attracted to people that are not white

I'm not racist yeah I would be friends with them but I couldn't see myself dating them.

Skyezie replied 4105 days ago

How old r u

14 this year

Skyezie replied 4105 days ago

Hi daar !


Skyezie replied 4105 days ago

Would u send a pic of ur self naked


Skyezie replied 4109 days ago

Are you stil a v


Skyezie replied 4109 days ago

Why aren't u attracted to black guys?

Cause I'm not =D
Stop asking so many questions.

Skyezie replied 4109 days ago

You date older guys;;)?x

Yes :P x
But not like over 17 :)

Skyezie replied 4110 days ago

Hell0 hell0 val :] this is α pers0n, that y0u d0nt really know• But you know who I am thou.. *•.•* we miss y0u in Hush ♡ hαve α awes0me daii :D

I'm missing you guy way too much! :( ♥
Stay amazing x

Skyezie replied 4110 days ago