Et wazisowa ¿ D.W.A
Man u seem 2b on e lyn o de tym. Kma do u do otha things?
Mr Mwenda dea z dis speculation o ova dat u dumped ur gal 4 no gud reason. Cn u pliz shed more light on dat?
I ges dat z nt 4 public consumption. F u r interested jst come to ma slaughter palace i wil let u knw e truth behind e dueces.
Dea z dis guy Maphiks. I realy doubt hm do u think he z a true friend or its jst rappers game?
Mmmh u knw wat? Right now am drunk so cud u pliz ask mi dis Q wen am sober...
Do u think Frank Chitala z a fool?
Unless u tel e meanin f a fool i wont ans dis Q. Do u mean an embacile?
Muli ndi ma hope man?
Ma op ndi mbwe mbwe mbwe aise bt no 1 z competent
Mr Bil hvnt u ever thot f datin a spinster n ur church?
Ha ha ha dats crazy folk. Anyway i hv neva thot bwt t & i dnt think i wil do
Is it true that maphiks z ur best rapper?
Honestly, he z e best bt am e bestest (amandiopa), infact he stole ma lyrics
Mr Bil we knw u v got evrytin a gal nids 4m a man so y do u choose 2b single? Slimgayo
Ges dats a mata f choice... Evry person choose wat z best 4 hm/hr so dis z best 4 mi lito folk.
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
Am a player... Ha ha ha, infact am nt, jst do e business dats o. dea z absolutely nothn afta e trans.
Who are you dating currently
None... Nt redy 4 a relationshp
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Avarice, greedy, lecherous