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One+ One, LG G3, and the Nexus 5
The people whom I love and care for
Probably 300: Rise of an Empire!
My man Tanner
You're quite good looking for your age, I'll be honest with you. You're nice, easy going, and fun to talk to! I enjoy our conversations, however few, on the bus. I would say listen to my advice if you wanted to, but I encourage you to live your life the way you want to, cause that's what highschool is pretty much about :p Oh and you should join choir with your other gr. 9 friends next year :)
Too hard to decide...
Aww thanks anon :) I bet you are too!
Sort of, but not really. I can go later in my life :p
Lia, saskia, rachel, caitie, Sarah, jess, Nicole, Lexi, Hayley, Madison, yeah!
Watching some Digimon on Netflix with ma bros!
Dude, we gotta hang out soon! I love you like a brother, well I guess we are related in that sense haha. You're quite talented at basketball (better than me) and super chill to talk to. I miss those times after cadets and having a good talk. If you want to go out for coffee or something, message me on Facebook! I'd love to get together again!
In what manner? As a friend or as more than a friend?
Dutch actually! I just thought, "hey, haven't done it in a while so I'll do it for the occasion!"
Kassidy, Ben L, Claire, Kate, Chris, Josiah, yup that's all the niners I know
Nothing bores me about people. I like them for who they are, despite the differences I have with them.
Ooo definitely not hard to answer that one. It'd be badminton ha
He's a really sick dude friend of mine from where I live :)
Ahh yes I did! Thanks for the present haha. Gently appreciated, but it's all going to melt shortly :/
Haha I wish
Oh too many to count..indojt want to leave anyone out
Ooooo David, Andrew S, Lauren b, Sarah, Adam K, Andrew K, Reuben, Yeah
Probably Toshibe, Need for Shibe, or World of Dogecraft
Too many to count :p
Probably would be Brett Kroesbergen
Youth group was pretty fun! Drank some tea there!
Either how comfortable I feel around them or their eyes and smile
I would have to say Redlands, California!
Probably another person,?
I'm not quite sure actually
I dont know what that word says, sorry lol
Best way is to just be yourself with a touched humour. You don't want the girl to think that you're sometime else than yourself if you act any different
Lol, a crazyyyyyyyyyyyyy person no doubt. Very kind, sarcastic, and one of my favourite tenners :)
Oh Henry and Mountain Dew
World religions with Marg ;) lol probably physics :D
"Where did you get those pants?" ".......Walmart...."
Ohhhhhh yeaaaaaa ;)
Athletic ability and music ability :)
Probably be like "Aaaaahhhh MAN that felt good" ;) I don't really care what my friend's think of it cause it would have then in the past and people don't need to worry about it lol
Hey, thanks :) It's nice to talk to someone more than just small talk. And I will keep smiling :)
Honestly, whoeever. It doesn't really matter to me that much. Just as long as I don't get too big of a part or too small of a part.
Thanks man!! I try to be most of the time :)
Riiiiight, thank you. I haven't taken French for the longest time :p
Kindness can be shown without talking, in fact it is sometimes more meaningful than talking.
I want the questions!
I would probably say French, cause English is I don't like it a lot
Depends on the teacher, but history
Shirt: button Sweater: zipper
Hmmm I'm not sure tbh. Sometimes I think I do, other times I don't. Lol
Megan Holla
I just try to be myself man, and try to be kind and be a friend to everyone :))))))))))))
Well, I would play Blackbird by The Beatles for my friend Megan whom I have not seen in a long time :P
Always "What day is it?" "Am I late for school?" and "10 minutes is OK"
Meh, it would grow kind of long and I don't like growing my hair long
Hit me up!
Which is true. Who told you?
Maybe. I guess....OK I won't.
Carissa Groot-nibblink and everyone from Serve 2013 :)
Sound guy at church? School? Where?
Dating isn't horrible and there may be times where you have disagreements, but that is normal in a relationship.
Haha thanks! Message me on Facebook! Or text mai
Why does it offend you if I listen to it? Its just August Burns Red and they're Christian too, and their music is pretty awesome!
Claire, Kate, Kassidy, Cassie, and Alanna. Lol those are the only ones I know :p
Why do you feel like I dislike you? :/ tbh, I dislike very little people, if not any.
Uhh nope. No one comes and visits me...#foreveralone
Locker buddy! We don't talk much though but you're looking pretty good, oh yeah and your friends with Claire
Sometimes if it's late at night and I'm tired, then I don't answer all the questions and I go to sleep. And other times I'd rather talk to those people in person instead of giving a massive answer to a short question. Talking is easier than typing, and physical conversation (face to face) is much more enjoyable than conversation through electronics.
Well, who said it was Obama's fault? The congress was the one who started it because they didn't want something so they shut down the government, which just recently came back up again.
Salvation? Yes.
Not too too short, cause that's just disgusting. I don't really mind short shorts
Why not ;)
paedestriannnnssss lol
I said already
I have thought about it, and I think so.
Uhhh Idk why you're so interested in my
I guess.
Noo, but if you know you're going to heaven, you shouldn't take it for granted and do whatever
Yes yoy could, but then you would be cheapening grace. It's by the grace of God that we are saved, but if you keep on doing what you do, you're sort of taking advantage if that grace. I'm also not trying to say be like a little Sunday Christian either, but use yourself for the purpose God gave you. It's slightly hard to explain and if I were to have answered for free will, you probably would have asked me sonething similar to this.
Working! Thats what!
Haha moep. The last ds I had was the ds lite lol
Its like God made sure all things happen and happen for a reason. We know that we are predestined for salvation because of God ordaining it
Why do you dislike my attitude and what is my attitude like?
Its going alright I guess...why you so against not caring? Message me man!
Shampoo and conditioner. And then I use water to style it. That is all.