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7 dollars
Beutiful word play (':
Nice girl we dont talk but your good looking and you seem funny
My fellow kkk members
We only communicate through retarded facial expressions but your a great chick and your funny P.S you laugh at anything lol
g'deve m'lady *tips le fedora*
Youre a nice girl and your cool cause you dont get caught up with the bollocks drama that most girls in year 8 would :D
Nicholas Cage
i feel the same way
Your seem nice and your kinda cute i guess
good thanks, how are you?
My kingdom hearts 2 copy
Brad is Brad which is essentially a amazing way to describe him.
bit suspicious
pls just stahp
pls leve me be
sittin down talking to lim
im scared to reply
if this is connor.
she's cool i spose
what no u crazy butt leticia is a nice lady
fried chicken or 42
Hia :D
hold am i replying to myself.....bollocks i am
its a gift
i would eat a sandwhich
about over 6 foot