What type of people bore you ?
Boring ones ?
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
Avengers 2
What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?
Well I haven't had a bath in like 10 years haha
If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?
Who was your first crush ?
You know old mate ;)
What was your first cellphone ?
Those motorola razors I had one of dem.
Do you like someone Benny
Do you like someone anonymous?
If you were the last human on Earth, what would you still do every day?
Water me crops ☺️☺️☺️
Do you like stuff
Stuff can be cool haha
Do you and your brother jack really have the same birthday
Haha yeah
Them ones below was so rose hahaha she's shattered she's not the centre of your universe
Jackson or Jay
Corey or Jack
Ash or Maddie
Sharni or rose
Murray or Jay
What kind of question is that ?!?
Name 1 boy and 1 girl that mean everything to you not includeing family
Mila kunis and David spade
What could you talk about forever?
One day your going to relise u treated the people thar cared for the most like **** and treated people who dogg you like there everything
I don't know what to say to that...... Sorry?
Ur last post is a bit harsh rose has been there heaps for u u should b greatful
Name one time she's "been there for me" pfft hasn't done anything for me
None that are siblings, 3 boys and 3 girls.
Jay squires Taylor Hopkins jack pound sharni Devine n/a n/a
Isn't 5 a bit 2 much ms's annon
name 5 people boys or girls that mean alot to you, like the closest people
I have six siblings doe?
B-b-b-benny n the jetttzzzzz
Go have a Winnie pink mate.
If you could add a feature to qooh.me what would that be?
Make it an app
Best an longest mates ?
Jamie rangi Jakob Eckles Corey Mccartin Jackson pound Taylor Hopkins Jay squires Steele Meier jack Moore
Can a robot have conscience? If not, why? If yes, is a robot, having conscience alive?
Bicentennial man haha
Who do you have feelings for?
Sharni Devine
Ben does Not like anyone And if he did I'd steal her like he did with my girl
I didn't steal anyone's girl Dafuq is this ****? And funny how I'm not seeing anyone dip****.
All you *****es are just jealous Ben talks to more then one chick, who gives a **** if you like him tell him and if nothing happens then guess what! H dosnt like you, I think we both no who this is Ben
Hahahaha tell em
You love rose don't bull****
She loves me get it right mate
Whats the one thing you cannot forgive ?
Citizen day -.-
You choose any girl that would have you
Pfft I'm a male we don't choose we get chosen
just remember good mates stick around and she didnt call the shots on this one. She tells me everything
Well as much as I want to continue being friends with her i can't because her boyfriend doesn't like me and it's just gonna cause more dramas if we do stay friends so it's better off this way
Y did u and rose stop talking?
We have our reasons.
Obviously you do and she's not worth it to say who it is or you don't and your just asking as you do
I don't know who she is to say who she is ✋
A friend you once had a crush on ?
No comment
Do you like someone and if so tell us who but if not forget it
No comment
A bad habit you think you will never get rid of ?
I don't even know lol
I wish I knew her name but she has dark hair sorry I can describe what she looks like but she's cute
Still don't know who it is
Ben you ****in legend we gotta hang out again soon ghe ;)
Yeah sure anon
Date that girl
Hahahaha no.
Who do you think it is?
I miss you so bloody much kiddo, we used to hang all the time and you were my bestfriend back in the day x
I think I know who you are haha
I dnt no her name sorry
Okay lol
Whats the thing you liked the most about your Ex ?
Exs? What are those ?!?
I might hahah is this a trick question :p Jack.pound
Hahaha that previous one is gold because he a gay fish hahah Jack.pound
He is hey hahaha. Question do you like fish sticks?
Last person you argued with and why ?
Corey because he's a gay fish
Ben.. Please change your display pic back to the colour orange. Us bloke really dn't want to see so much skin on a guy
Sorry I messed up on spelling u an that girl are cate
And you and that are cute
Who's that?
I can c u chillin down on the floor ;)
U wot m8?
Do you like anyone if you don't I'd love to get close to you
Not atm... Inbox me
What gives you peace?
Probably a bullet
closest guy and girl friend?
Two of each Jackson Taylor and sheree and rose
Do u love Jackson ;)
Nah he's a plum
What do you spend your money on the most ?
Ah weed probably haha
Top 3 girls you talk to mostly
Mum nana and my sister ✌️
What do you think is the most useless class in high school?
why is rose shotmeyer such a sick **** for?
Because her immune system is weak ?
tbh on roseee shotmeyer
She's a weirdo
Dream holiday destination ?
You ask the weirdest questions haha maddiesaunders
Maybe because I'm wierd?