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i think GOD is great. HE makes masterpieces
you should fire your source. that's so not me
lol who's this? that's because I DIDNT... We worked better as friends
go ahead. that's not me. i don't send or keep such
well im no flaming queen. treat me like they always have. i think
sense of humour. and if we really get along easily. he gotta be at least presentable
nope! it would be weird to be somebody's dad.
no i wouldn't. i respect people's secret. i don't want them to spill mine. besides, if i tell their secrets, they wont tell me new ones...
lol no! its never been important. im a hopeless romantic. *ex is sooo not important
classic. dinner and a movie (make out there).
hey, no fair. howcome everyone asks me *ex stuff?
gosh there's too many #hides
lol i have never done that. i could tho
my cousin mdiza always knew
no! i became one hundred percent sure in 2009
doubt it. would be awkward
YEP. But i'm good where i'm at...
that i'm from eastern cape. never been there...
hmmm! speechless
that you always have to think about their stupid egos
thank you, i think. i wish i were. its good, innocent genes i guess
thabo. such a sweet man
intelligent, funny, blonde