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She's really nice and talented.
Yeh I like waffles!
Each grade six is different and I can't choose which to follow. I look up to them all so I don't know.
Woah, that seems like your threatening me!
She's really nice to me so YES!
She is always there for me when I need comforting.
She is my cookie. And the prettiest girl ever.
I can't tell u soz m8
Wow she is incredible unbelievable indescribable. She is just amazing, nicest person ever. Luv her so much.
My crazy headed dingo. I luv u so much Katia! Your hilarious always up for a dare. You are like nobody else. The most challenging person I've ever met. Mwaahh
Tess is my crazy moustache gal. She is beautiful crazy smart and really nice. Nobody can replace her and no one can take her away from me! Love her.