Sophie hotty
Name 3 people you trust?
Umm anna Carla my dad
do you wear makeup to school
No I don't
youre so ugly, all the boys always mention how ugly you are, they always say 'ew sophie is NOT hot at all'
Who is this I think i know u yep u r in so much trouble
well do u wear makeup or not
I do sometimes but why would u care
first boyfriend?
A boy does that answer that question
do you wear makeup and if you do what do you use?
I'm not telling u why.. U jelous
Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?
Yep coz then I would give the parent half of it for being able to slap them
Something you wish to have but cant afford?
Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else?
Aha? No?
well if you know who your anonymous askers are because you get an email, who am i? haha stupid ugly slu*, nobody thinks you're pretty you stuck up as*hole
Hottest song right now according to you?
Probly that song that I don't know,the name of another one I like is dear darling
Reason for your last breakup?
Cause he was being rude and selfish not naming
If you're sick of people asking questions then why are you still on qooh me?
Because all see asks me is how pretty do u think u r and mean stuff can't people ask things without being rude and she said I was so ugly so yeh.... I know I am ugly but I would like if people could be nice
Sorry my iPad was stuffing up and I mean can u tell who send you the mas*age
No I don't who who sent the message but what message r u talking about
Is qooh me good I'm not sure if I should get it or not
Do u like it ?
OMG FOR THE 1553 time yes!
Do u know who asked u the question of not ?
What do u mean of not!?
I was just wondering if qooh me is good and if I should get it
Do u like it ?
Yeh it's good
The best prettiest and popular girls at your school are Georgina Madi Millie Bianca and Lucy
Your pretty do you agree with me?
Not really haha
Who is your best friend?
Carla she is m babe
whats the point of having a qooh me if you dont actually answer the questions but just tell the asker to go away?
Umm well I have told they like 100 times to go away and they ask me questions like u r ugly and stuff like that and I am sick of it so they can go get a life instead of being a lona cause they have nothing better to do who I'd this..
Do you think ur perfect as in pretty wise?
Hey some has haked me qooh me sorry Sophie it's madi now look at my thing it's on Madilawes
No worrys :)
Do u think you pretty
Yeh maybe hehe
Your to big for your boots:+)
If u ask me 1 more question I,will explode and just answer bye ok smart as*
How old are you...?
If u r going to keep being negative then don't waste my time and go get a life
I go to lowther hall why....
on a scale of 1-10 10 being the highest, how popular do u think u r
Worst Mistake You ' ve ever Made ?
Said something to a friend as a joke but they didn't take it as a joke
Out of 10 how pretty do you think you are
If 10 is the highest then 10!!
What do you think of We Cant Stop by Miley Cyrus
Haha friendzoned means if u ask somebody out but they say 'lets just be friends' that means you have been friendzoned not if people want to hang out with you omg
You would know caus I bet it happens 2 u all the time
youre not cool, you're ugly and everyone at school thinks you are
HAHHAAHAAH OMG u r annoying u do relise I get emails saying who asked this question so unthinkable I'm stupid well I'm not I now this is anonymoushas so HAH!! U THINK our words effect me me your crazy u LOOOONNNAAAAA
You think youre so cool..
Well I am :)
youre so ugly. all my guy friends and all my friends who are girls think you're ugly and stupid
U r the stupid one ugly face so HAHAHA
U think u do acro but u don't okay so stop acting like your hot to cause ur not hahaha
I do acrobatics and I love it so shut up smart as*
Do you think you are popular?
Gaga who is this idk maybe....... U will never know
Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?
Cause that's just what they named it haha
Have you ever been friendzoned?
What does friend zones mean if it means everyone wants to hang wiv u then yes.
What you think of, We Cant Stop by Miley Cyrus?
Hahah what