Squad of niks
Vertel da ook vi Ons di grap??
Jammer di isi darryl se qooh ni?
Deidré is jy en Darryl broer en suster?
What did your last relationship teach you?
Kyk how lyk julle ??
Why hate?
Is fokol is festive ???
Julle hou julle tog te vikken warm
Haaiiiii shameeee ??
Thoughts on elenore????
What's one of the dumbest things you've heard someone say?
“My account was gehack “ maar jy weet Jy het dit bedoel.??Jy wil nou kama nie swak geckeck wordi ???
Julle se julle se bestie Ou eli pop of wat is die kind se naam qooh jull sommer ????
Anyways julle is lekker ?
Watii bestii ???
Is Dan jy??
Julle hou julle tog te warm op gym se stoepe,en hkm reply julle nie my qooh of is dit omdat dit die waarheid is Zgirl
Qooh is kak omte expose neh???
Joh ?
DM my gurll.?
Dan isit Ons wat soa lag??
Would you reconsider being friends with daniella ?
Watse kak is diiii?
Wat gebeer met jul en perd se bek??
Tell all these hoes to fck off?
What type of face products do you guys use
Ek likes die savage attitude ??❤
Savage attitude ti???
Mind if I slide in ya dms ???
Julle nodig n bybel in die account?
You don't say✊??
Wat maak vju sooo heilig?
Stink poesse. Hoekom skit julle vir Daniella af?
Kan een van julle my Nxa maak met een van julle??❤
Ha a?❤
Erre esses loop naie
Daai mondjie ??
Hoe lyki skool werk??
Julle al ooit gedink daniella is fake?
Luister hier,die is nie Daniella se Qooh Nie.
Die is die qooh aacount viri sqaud (Cathly-Ann,Telisha en Deidré )?
Moen onsi oor aner mense vra nie wat nie in onse squad issi
Have you ever been in a situation where you and a friend couldn't pee somewhere because guys could hear?
Nooo ?
I swear,if I was capable of killing,you'd be dead already ,yes all three btches
Hoekom model julle soa by die skool?
Dropp it ??????????
Model ti????
Kyk tog vi jlle ?
?Muck love xx
Moen julle nie groot hou asb???
?jyt jokes gurl ??
Lamar of Marchello?
Ken julle vir Marchello?
Stuck-up btches ??
Veta a la mierda?Go google it yuu dom N?
Wat skryf julle vrydag?
Afrikaans ?
Here's vir eksamen)??
Cheers ? ?
Julle is so freaking gorgeously ❤?
Thank yuu anon ?
Thoughts on Lylos ?
Friendo ?
How long have you guys know each other? ? toxic.kxng
We only met this year , so we're going for 1 year ❤
Hey there ! Looking for some fun to get into? Me too! Let's get to know each other on a much more personal level jxhotbox.top saraq4571
Vok ju ??
Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?
Now what happened with you guys and daniella ? You aren't talking
Moen onsi oor ander mense kom qooh nie ?
Lelik be Skryf julle rereg nie ??
Shem ??
Hoekom is julle so sleg?
Muti kak praati ?
Vir wie is daai naaiery op jule se story?
Vir mense soos jy ?
Clearly kan jy nie lees nie ,maar okay.
I want to have some fun and to play dirty joy18cutegirl.men angelia3z341
Dis Qoohme ? Ni n speel pleki ??
Don't trust no basic bishh ??
Muni daai stori so hard praati ???❤
Kama tilly,cathans ,tanni d
Get a life hun ?
Moeni tyd mors om anders se bio en profiles te stalk ni kau??
Raak groot
Hoor hoor ?????
Do you answer all qoohs ?
Yes ??
Julle se bio:)
Julle is dan jys die wat jaloers is op ander ?
Etoh ?kan j/jul ons soa laat lag ???weeti wi lieg viju/jul soa nie ?
Hkm kom qooh j/jul ons nog ??
Maar dankie viri omkom skat ???
Ek haat julle met my heele hart
Shem ?
Daai pro pic lyk sommer kak verwyder hom
Ons nxa nie ??
Snap names?
@Cathly-Ann Christians
Hoekom beef julle vir daniella se vriendine?
Ons beef niemand ??
Of soek jy hukah aandag ??♀️
Julle disgust my ??
Kan julle asb viimy uit hulle Qooh uit los.Ekt niks beef teen hulle ni of hulle ht niks teen my nie.??? jxy_
Hi wanna see my $ex photo xsweetxxhot.info ashleyf4242
Nee ashley ??♀️
William ? Thoughts on him
Friendoo ??✨
Was Daniella nou ?????
Seker by haar huis,hoe dink jy ?
Jullle almal hier is fake
Julle behoort en Chinashop
We the realest niggas ??
Too bad yuu don't like us ?
Ek ken julle nie en ek stel nie belang om julle te ken nie maar hierdie beef naaiery met paris stop nou net hier
Raak fokken groot
Angesien julle "groot"is
???My gurll,don't talk sht if youu don't know the sht ✋?
So asb meisiekeent ❤?
How many dm requests do this account of yours have?
Atata ?who's your Eng teacher ?
Just jk mahn. Ons almal teya moeti warri ni ??✋?
None, cause we answer all ??
Mind meeting. New friends ?
Surree thangg hun.
Mooi mensies,mind as ek dm ???❤
Ek is seker ons buiti ✨
So why not ?
No offense neh julle ma julle is kakies honger vi qoohs jisssiis ?????????????????????????????
Nou hkm kom qooh jy ons ?
En ons issi soa desperate soos jy ni???
Ek het rerig nie woorde vir julle nie.????????
Hoe ken julle vir Joe Losper ?
Los hm net yt, hys kla myne en ek sali terg stn laat julle hm soa vi n groot poes vati . Muti naai soeki
Ons hou homi vasi gurll ???
Ek gaan julle een vir een naai ??
✋?Rather not
Do you guys where make up ? It looks like you do !!
No ??All natural darling✋?
But if we did, why do you have a problem with people wearing make up ?
What grade Are ya all btches
One btch sees the other ?
I am looking for $ex, but do you want? Come in here chilp.it/afcd9d5 melindao8804
Dis hoekom jou hond daar is liefie ??
Johhhhhh ?????Jarra
Anon ?????
My new private video here shr.name/gilsU rebecca8m321
weet jou pa jys hier?
I am looking for $ex, but do you want? Come in here tinyurl.com/wwsewxx patriciaoh278
Why do you think people like/hate you?
Like-Want ons is lit ???
Hate-Jealousy makes you nasty ?❤
What's something you fell in love with instantly?
Do you guys still hang out with Paris?
Jys hopeloos te oorig
En wat is die grap
Of moet ons saam lag
Luister hier klein hoertjies julle is nog sop se sop natgat babietjies van gim so moen jule nie dink jule loop op goud nie
Fakeste asses ooit
Does that make you feel better?
Insta usernames
3 btches❤️??❤️
Alle liefde gurlls✨?❤️ Nxcole_
So julle vervang vr Paris mt Daniela????Nou sien ek houkom Paris ge se het mut vrha uitii groep uithaal
Mycii mut ju nie steer aan goed wati ju prob issi ????Loop leer chom ?lol asj so op n pos is kom face ONS mahn ??#wewillbewaitingforyou❤
#geniet ju daggii bêb?
En wat vn Paris?
Kla geantwoord
Mylord ???
My lord is good all the time
Whooaa gorgeous ????Dala daso die nommers ????
Dan dink hule hule lyk mooi ?sies haal net daai naarlike fotos af en delete net die hoer account van jule ?
Geniet jou dag God bless
I hate u . All of u 3. ? its the 3 btches
How much money do you need right now and why ?
Don't need money rn ?
Copy cats ????
That's nice?❤️
Fakeste mense ooit
We never asked for your opinion.?