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Go for it

493 Replies

What have you never truly gotten over?

Let's not talk about that.

Squirt1010 replied 2904 days ago

Why are you not a millionaire?

I almost am, I'm just lacking money.

Squirt1010 replied 2909 days ago


Don't have one of those either..

Squirt1010 replied 2916 days ago

Who is your favorite person and why?

Don't even have one..

Squirt1010 replied 2919 days ago

What was your first kiss like?

First proper kiss was amazing

Squirt1010 replied 2948 days ago

Whats your addiction?

Guns, tractors, Utes and big toolboxes :/

Squirt1010 replied 3261 days ago

Favourite song?

Perfect storm or big green tractor

Squirt1010 replied 3286 days ago

What do you want most out of life?

To be accepted.

Squirt1010 replied 3286 days ago

What is your motto?

Don't expect anything of anyone. Expectations lead to disappointments.

Squirt1010 replied 3295 days ago

Pretty sure he already said no? Nobody cares anyways, so stop harassing him about me and find something better to do. I'm not that interesting. Caassy

How did you know they sent me a question about you? Are you stalking me? O.o ;)

Squirt1010 replied 3334 days ago

If you were on a hospital bed about to die, who is the one person you would want to be standing there?

How do you come up with questions like this? Umm. Brad paisley.

Squirt1010 replied 3342 days ago

What is the greatest thing about being single ?

Umm. I can't even think of anything.

Squirt1010 replied 3342 days ago

Last thing you had to drink?

What sort of question is that? Haha. Umm. Canadian Club

Squirt1010 replied 3349 days ago

How do you want people to treat you ?

Doesn't matter what I want. Never fcking happens anyway.

Squirt1010 replied 3352 days ago

Guess that won't be happenning anymore

Guess not

Squirt1010 replied 3352 days ago