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Stacey Sherritt


love me hate me i don't care! <3

153 Replies

What makes your life worth living?

My boyfriend family and close friends

StaceyMaree..xx replied 2782 days ago

Ethan deserves better then you!
You honestly don't deserve the air you inhale your a pathtic **** who uses everyone ✌?️

Cheers anon but your opinion doesn't matter ?

StaceyMaree..xx replied 2837 days ago

And your ugly head is perfect. For me to jump all over and spit on. Xo

Come do it then love xx

StaceyMaree..xx replied 3249 days ago

If you don't lie, then why say Nathan baker raped you? Or your boyfriends not cheating on you? Or for that matter, knowing your slu.tty as.s your cheating on him! Hah! My condolances to your sh.itty as.s relationship sweetie. Xoxox

My relationship is perfect babe

StaceyMaree..xx replied 3249 days ago

Nathans nice and all that when everyone's around and then once he's on the ice u never know what sort of person he's gunna be I know of 3girls that have been $exually abused by him but are to scared to come out and say it because of all this bull

That's why I didn't wanna come out

StaceyMaree..xx replied 3249 days ago

Hahahahahaha God told you not too

Haha your tough hiding behind a computer screen

StaceyMaree..xx replied 3249 days ago

You won't get bored of his dck till you just get completely bored with everything and everyone else and decide to cry rape again. Honest. Give up on the lies.

Haha I don't lie god told me not to

StaceyMaree..xx replied 3249 days ago

thoughts on levi ford

He's a nice kid

StaceyMaree..xx replied 3249 days ago

btch needs to find her own relationship and stop fcking with everyone else's.. Just warning you. It's in your best interest to fck her off.

I'll keep that in mind...

StaceyMaree..xx replied 3249 days ago

Just fcking delete qoohme. It gets you no where (:

I'm going to

StaceyMaree..xx replied 3249 days ago

You tell her not to follow people but you look like your having the time of your life while doing it? And yeah well she tried taking Morgan away from ashlee, Chris away from maddy, Luke away from jayde, freddy away from Sam?...

She won't get in between me and jackson were too strong these days

StaceyMaree..xx replied 3249 days ago

Just inbox April and try and fix things.. Don't try and get other people to fix it


StaceyMaree..xx replied 3249 days ago

Your friends are just as pathetic as you are! Hence the reason you and Natasha have been friends for 2 weeks, and already had your 'ups' and 'downs' Hahahahahaha. Ahhh you and your pathetic group of f*****s make me laugh.

Hahaahah lol

StaceyMaree..xx replied 3249 days ago

Your fake friends lmao they btch about you 24/7

Ahah true

StaceyMaree..xx replied 3249 days ago

I find it quite pathetic that you and Natasha go around town following everyone, and you stick your big head out the window like a fcking idiot. No one actually likes you guys and likes you following them so just stop your pathetic sht.

I Tell her not to follow people

StaceyMaree..xx replied 3249 days ago