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I'd rather not say:)
No one
Brush my teeth
That's personal;)
Who's fault is that?
Depends on the friend....
Do whatever I want
A motorola, back in the days
I'm already in love with food, I'm deeply sorry:(
No I'm 'very lonely'
Yes and I'm also sure I have social anxiety
When someone breaks your heart just punch them in the seriously! Punch them in the face and go get some ice cream or something...
Spend money fast!!
How my favourite thing to do....?
Not good at this question inbox me on something else and ill tell u!
'Everybody has an addiction...mine happens to be you'
I don't know if its my 'fav' but its always is my head Sorry - Andre 300
To be flawless she'd have to be perfect and that's not possible so yeah...
Don't think she'd want me to mention her
Don't even know who u are but its probably cus I'm not comfortable around u or I just don't like you......sorry:)