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Stevie Cuerden


Go fkcuin crazy on your questions and shiizzz ;) Stevie will answere them all ;);)

408 Replies

You are by far the sweetest guy ever ... How are you single ?

Thank you ai :p I don't know ._.

Stevie_Me replied 3986 days ago

Ahhh Stevie ...
Thanks For Biting My Shoulder Today ._.
Random as* Child Forever Stealing My Chips ._. ♡ Buuut Much Love ;)

Ahhhh ;;) A bit more different then a hug ai ;) I haven't stolen your chips for a while ._. I must fall back into that habbit again ._.

Stevie_Me replied 3986 days ago

Do you work out or something , Because WOW !!! Your body , and your shoulders , and even your face ... You are a ****ing beautiful person :')

No I don't ai , Just a bit of rugby :p ....

Stevie_Me replied 3998 days ago

=)) stevies genetics :| why are you so *exy

Oh for **** sakes =D lol ... I see what you did there ._. ,,,, Uhm :| can't understand them :| There english is a bit rusty nowadays :|

Stevie_Me replied 3998 days ago

Stevie :| why are you so *exy :G ?

:| don't ask me :| ask my genetics :| ?

Stevie_Me replied 3998 days ago

Do u believe in love @ 1st site?

I don't know , Should I walk past a few more times ? Just kidding :p #lamejoke . . . Uhm yeah , I guess so ai :]y

Stevie_Me replied 3998 days ago

I love you.

Flatterying , but a bit creepy its on an anonymous site ... Be a bit more bold , and tell me over BBM ({})

Stevie_Me replied 3998 days ago

Stevie ;)

Just thought I'd spread a lil
friendly luv on your wall xx
Keep smiling cause it looks
Good on You ;)
Don't change for any1 kaay :P

Courtney A <3 C.A.A

That's so sweet ;;) always good to have a lil Courntey somewhere in my life ;)

Stevie_Me replied 3998 days ago

BETTER ANSWER ME FIRST :| 400th I rate? ;;) Gabriela Herrrre :') want mah pony back loser ;) see you tomorrow, s l u t :') xx gabii_bee15

And YES :D you are my 400th :$;;) ... You will never , and I mean never ,see that pony again :| see you tomorrow : D

Stevie_Me replied 3999 days ago 1

Oh my goodness :D ... I fudging miss your *exy as* face :D ...

Oh my goodness : D I don't know who this is :') but thank you ._. :$

Stevie_Me replied 3999 days ago

Ahhhh my seeds Buddy. Thank you ;)xx

Ahhhh ;) your welcome : D .. Still gotta find you some more O_O ...

Stevie_Me replied 3999 days ago

Hey S*xy thannG:P
just thought u need some color on thiis wall:D,, stay amazing:G lots of loVe(y)xX'
Nita :D♥

Heyyyy prince-ss ;;);) Thank you : D

Stevie_Me replied 3999 days ago

Best Chick friends?

Gabi Sky Roxanne Chante

Stevie_Me replied 3999 days ago

Do you think homer simpson is awesom

I do =D*

Ithink he's the beez kneez ai =D lol

Stevie_Me replied 3999 days ago

What you talking about :|

You know what I'm talkin about :|

Stevie_Me replied 3999 days ago