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Not sure coz i dont get offers next year
Shoot us a message on fb
Send me a message on fb and I'll tell ya
Yeah I've known some girls that liked me, but uhh yeah not in the past 2 years
I feel sorry for that person, coz it's defs not me XD considering i haven't done anything that could cause such a thing
Do you mean ask? and i do answer them unless it's a stupid question ;) xx
average i suppose, how 'bout you see for yourself?
It's a Mazda 3, what about it?
People who do nothing but talk about other people or just themselves, need to have a variety
Um i defs prefer dogs, and i don't know the rest haha
Playing video games
Lol no, i havent seen her in ages anyway lol not that i want to.....
I've stayed in bed for 14 hours by sleeping if thats what your're asking XD
Thats for me too know and you to fined out
My asthma inhaler
Ummm no, coz i'd like to stay clean
um never
420 blaze muther****er
umm depends on the problem
Like everyday of my life XD apart from the rare occasion :')
Sure, if you build the bridge across :D
yeah a little, but that's what makes it hilarious.... it give people who can't say stuff to my face a chance to say it XD
Yeah nah, I'll be right for tomorrow
Lol yeah
What's a pick up line?? Jks I don't have one lel
Friday, the day where I forget about everything and get to play basketball and look forward for my boring weekends XD
Depends on what you need help with haha, I may be able to, straight after school
uh i don't know what a ***** is??
I havent taken a bath since i grew to tall to fit in one;) but i had a shower this morning :')
I don't want this to sound bad, but my first girlfriend :')
Ummm no.... what a random question haha
Honestly, don't give two ****s about who gets Dux, I just wanna get the highest ATAR i can
That's a very small amount of girls of who it could be.... Might aswell have just told me in person haha
Umm my first girlfriend
LOL maybe
Inbox me and I might tell you ;)
Haa playstation is ****!!!!
sure.... inbox me???
Loyalty most definitely
Lol, I only try in four things, Academics, Basketball, swimming and talking appropriately to people who deserve to be talked to in that way...... I'd like to hear what else I'm supposedly "try harding" at ....
Well, isn't that a great opinion to have.... obviously you have never been with me when I'm actually trying to be smart, I have heaps of evidence to back up my arrogance. Thank You :)
Eat your salad!!! It helps coz it makes you feel better..... Also eat a lot of red meat..... If that doesn't work then you have the wrong genetics
Ummm I'm already enlisting for the Air Force......
Smartest boy: me(academically) haha, Girl: Charlotte O' Grady Most Athletic boy: Brayden B, Girl: dunno friendliest guy: Nick G, Lewis J, Girl: Charlotte Edwards weirdest guy: Mark J. Girl: dunno Hottest guy: like i know.. idgaf Girl: there are a couple but not gonna name them
yeah nah. do it yourself
thoughts on what?
depends on the favor
as much wood as a woodchuck
I would say male.... don't ask for a reason
well first of all, it would make me sick.... but my best mate
When i accidentally walked into the girls toilets at a shopping center....
Coz thats literally where all my family is
Umm i presume not, but you can test it.... technically unless you focus it the picture will be white.... or a white dot with black around the outside
Not that I care much, but Vinay, Alex L, Alex H, Gab. Charlotte O, Calvin
I actually have no clue.... i'd probably go look at peoples messages on there facebook to get the goss coz only i'd do something like that hahaha
I death stared someone..... and maybe farted in someones face but apart from that..... I'm usually one to not bother coz Karma will get them back....
depends on the context.... but in most aspects no.... but again depends on the context
are you sure, you could just tell me who you are??
okay.... message me???
He's a **** and should leave politics all together
Brad Con****, Peter Etherington
Thanks anon, although I like to think that I'm regular height and that everybody else is a midget
Kaitlin is a sick chick, we have weird snapchat convo's every once in a while, Jess is defs the coolest ;) and uh, haven't talked to Emma much but she seems nice from when i have talked to her.
Not ones that i talk to regularly, so not really......
Places for what??
Cold coz then i don't sweat but hot coz then i don't have asthma attacks as often....
Haven't talked much but she seems like a pretty sweet person
Fairly often...... ussually its the something haha
What do you mean by "local girls"? If you mean like people in my school's area.... yeah but i have got friends in other places in Australia
Ummm that'd be a world record
hmm yeah, ill give that a try when i find someone like that haha..... funnily enough that was my plan :')
well the last time i had a crush on someone, they ended up ignoring me and spreading stupid rumors..
ummmm yeah nah I'm good, might tell ya if you inbox me
haha i gave up on crushes, They don't always turn out to work well
AWW Thanks
Thanks, But i have no clue why you would say that haha..... Any particular reason???
lol no, why would you even think ive done that
Lol Connect ED
too true haha
How 'bout them Kobe 8's or The KD V's there pretty sick, low top Kobe 9's arent bad either but not the same as the 8's...... oh and love me them vans for casual wear haha
At school there are 4 in year 12 this year at the western campus as far as I know..... If that's what you mean
Well my dad calls me it coz I used to look like I was stretched..... Long and skinny.....
It's my birthday :3 18 of July haha
Lol April, Kayla :D happy stupid thing....
My height haha
100kg approx
Get a girlfriend, get Dux of school, get into youth league, become physically fitter and stronger
Man on a Wire - The Script
Thanks anon <3, inbox me yeah ;)
No doubt my best mates Robbie and Jim
She's a ripper chick!! Great to have a chat to, makes everything a bit more interesting :D
Haha, that's an obvious answer!!! But yeah