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sabelo jali


Ask me anything you like anonymously

184 Replies

R u single?


Subzero replied 3399 days ago

How much do bench?
Do you do cardio?

I bench 60kg only or so because I'm not trying to bulk up. I'm weighing close to 100kg now so my aim is to shed and tone. I wanna get down to 92kg or even 90kg by July/August and then 85kg by October.
I bench 60 coz I I'm tryna do lighter weights but more repetitions. I do 20reps now with 60kg. I can bench about 90kg or 100kg just for strength.
I jog and jump rope for cardio.

Subzero replied 4648 days ago

What is it with your obsession with Thor, Captain America etc. Its immature Subz. WTF. Turn off!!

Okay its ur opinion. Don't care.
They r my fitness muses and awesome heroes. Dont u have any fictional character that u like or admire, besides yourself?

Subzero replied 4648 days ago

R u still into that girl from last year.

I love and care for immensely. Always have always will

Subzero replied 4648 days ago

I would love to date you, u seem like a great guy. Please tell me ur single.

Wow still exists??!??!?! Good lord.
Uhm thank u but I'm sorta with someone.

Subzero replied 4648 days ago

Your body is looking good man?
Keep it up and you will have girls everywhere
Good body and good personality is a good mix. the ladies are coming.

Lol thank you but I got my eyes on one girl right now. Flattering!!

Subzero replied 4866 days ago

What music is b*mping in your car right now?

B.O.B, Lloyd, Beyonce, Jah Cure,Gyptian, Jay Z and Kanye\'s alb*m and Trey Songz are heavy in my car right now and I know a certain someone who hates my music taste lol.

Subzero replied 4866 days ago

Do you think you can win Redbull Street Style 2012 South Africa? If not who do you want to win?

yeah my level of freestyle has improved immensely these past two years or so so im sure I can but the guys here are good now.
If I dont win then I would like anybody to win but personally Brian Lockyer. he is greatness personified!!!

Subzero replied 4866 days ago

I knew your mom very well and she is the greatest woman I have ever known and she changed my life.
I see a lot of her in you and I really hope that you progress well in life because you are one of the few decent guys left so good luck with everything Mr. Jali.

Wow that is beautiful and thank you for your kind words. Means a lot. I really feel like i dont deserve these kind words from you guys but it obviously means I am doing something good! A big thank you and I hope you are doing well for yourself.

Subzero replied 4866 days ago

I Love you

Ok thanks

Subzero replied 4866 days ago

You deserve to be happy Subz,i hope it works out


Subzero replied 4866 days ago

Have u resolved the issue with your gf?

There was no issue with her. Just some external things came into play that's all but me and her r ok.

Subzero replied 4874 days ago

Hey Subz,i dont mean to be foward,but i know her and she is worth fighting for,dont giv in

Yeah I know she is worth fighting for and I want to fight but she doesnt want me to. I still will anyway. This cant happen like this!

Subzero replied 4878 days ago

Still feel the same way about her?

Always have always will!!

Subzero replied 4878 days ago

Dont give up on love so soon,if you love some1 u fight for them until they tell u to stop

Yeah ok thank you!!

Subzero replied 4878 days ago