Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Honest answer? I\'ve grown..... Whoever took my shine.... Good for them.... Bt I\'ve really grown.....
I'm gettin married soon...
No thanx.. Wel atleast nt nw.. I'm yung n ish.. Thers too much xploitation in the entertainment industry
God js tld me ryt nw.. Hs love z the only love tht duznt lie
He dnt knw... Bt its Munyar
Its choose... Nd I really I dnt care....I'm sayng ths frm the bottom of my heart
Never!! I value my life... If yuu wur to ask me owt on a date....I'd meet you ther!! I cn get maself ther...
Nope...I dnt.. Sowi..
Lmao lmao... Oh yeah... I do
Yuu gta describe hm in mre or white.. Lol... Detail bby..detail
Lol... Eric? I love yew too ma swty!!
Wt a hot trunk like mine?? Hell nah.... Boy legs is wht I do..nd g_strings fr them skinny jeans
Ma bby, gideon, matthew tom', j.j (white one), eric f, costa, nuno's cuuute like hs name!! Nathi, mike got body.. Mthbuzi's gt hs days..nicks gt a nxa body too...yeah
Uhm... F yuu like sum1 yuu js overwhelmed by their presence... Yuu cn live witout em..... love is somethng that I cnt even bgin to define...
No I don't.. I quit afta 2 shots..Blv it or nt
Lol.. Ey idk hey... If its love then I'll take it
Wow...okay...ths z a new1... Uhm yeah... Money is money ryt? Its the family values tht they've taught me r greater... We've nevr let mney define us... Coz at the enda da day its jus paper... Nd its nt even mine...
You need prayer... They got adorable! Wel isac is sooooooo adorable!!! Nd sasa... No man.. All the grade 8's r cute... They so nunu's
Lol... The only dance crew I knw is F.I nd Flawless... Oh oh oh.. Nd the Reps... The rest...I'm sorry
Thanx fr telling me
I dnt have time to count hw many times a bull takes a ****...
Lmao.. No dummie... Thts like askng me if I\'m google coz \"I thnk I knw erthng\" Look.. I js love babies.. nd I love other ppl\'s babies... Other ppl always twk bwt parties *ex nd booze... Pls go ask them if they\'re addicts..nd wt their porpose in life is.. Babies r js calm nd peaceful!! Yuu wur one too remember... I wunda who eva wrote bwt yuu..
Thers too many....
Lol.. Uhm yeah.. In some instances it does.. Especially at school... Being a letswele is very fun..evn tho t wasn't a choice.. I got the best fam ever.. Nd tht I'm the only girl amongst atleast 12 bois is actually a challenge..they're very protective buh either than tht I'm good for life..dnt thnk ima change ma surname wen I get married, lol
In his heart
Lol..hahaha... Thnx hey... Well... That's IF we do get married.. A very big "IF"... Ey ths God mother spot is wntd by a lot.. Haha.. Will yuu b willin to wait bwt 15 years? (Thts f I'm stl alive).. Nd if we're still together... Will yuu anon?
Nope sorree
Nope sorree
Nvm ill find some1 like yuu....lmao. Stupid person.. Munya duznt do qooh me! Y wud he dump me.. If we\'re not dating? We ddnt meet on qooh me... Y wud he end it on qooh me?? You\'re really a ****-nut. Shame..get alife, while yu at it, get brains that actually WORK!!
Don\'t be the reason she doesn\'t trust guys... Nd dnt ever underestimate a girls ability to find owt thngs..Never Lie to her, trust me. If she finds out, you\'re ****ed... Nd if she leavs yuu.. Knwng the truth.. Then yuu shud atleast smile coz yuu told the she still left. If she lovez yu, she\'ll be bck.. Nd I cn guarantee yuu.. Yuu gna have to gain her trust bk, treat her like an egg... No girl dserves to be lied to.. I\'d be mad too... Hope I helpd u owt bro
people will judge you. But in reality, the people that actually care about yuu will just be happy that you're happy.... So ma point z, the ppl who judge yuu.. Dnt care bwt yuu... Why shud yuu care bwt their crazy asses?? Bet yuu dnt even knw why.... Js smile... Tht wil make em mre mad. Dnt twk to crazy ppl.. Ecxpt me ofcoz** ;-)
Jed, tim, kyle... That's all!!
Twas too big for my hands.. Cudnt fit... So I js had to drop it onto the floor.....
Kani who r yuu?? Like on the real nw.... Vele what abt yuu?????
GuuuuRL.... Have you seen L-Tido lately??? Sheeee... Hai no! AKA..!! TREY SONGZ.... Ah, uyadlala wena...
Uhm.. Joy... He really dd damage.. Buh we tyt, its wateva... We've bth moved on wit our lives.. So yeah. Nd I cn proudly say tht I dd love him.. Buh he's the reason why I give all I've got to ma angel.. No hard feelings tho**
Uuhm... Ma eyes r on one person ryt nw neh.. Buh yuu knw wt ey say..."Gv credit wen its due".. So ima say matthew tom'..munya..eric F.. Whoo.. NATHI NHLAPO..giddeon... 6) costa, he's got body for daaaaayyyysss!!! Hai noh... They're blessed
Wooo shame..... Lol. Hai noh
I say I say... I love you too
What's not to love bwt me..?
Afta...? Lol... I'm gna go home... What r yuu gna do?
He isn't my boyfriend, but I love his love, his perfect smile, his laugh, his fingers and his hugs. I guess I fell in love with our friendship. He's a very humble person, I love that.. And I fel in love wit him
Tel me hw cn 1 miss what she's never had??
So what do yuu thnk nw?
For the 1000000th time... Ima size 3 shame. Gosh
So I'm gesn your mom was also the 1st to leave..................................?
Thers mre than 1.... Buh I missed the ghetto Hpe I dnt offend any1... Nd ma frends.. Ayanda, lindo, tshego, cebs, nosipho, hpe, lulu, zelda, maseba, constancia, nlwazi, bth the gugu's, bngiwe, ma V, ntando the boy, joy, gift, khele, noni, black pearl ntokozo, ayanda, nthabiseng in matric, tamza, quincy, sandile, rabo, khayos.... The list is endless..... I miss em all***
Cuzin to be specific dette... =) love hm to thousands of pieces..
Well wrds have pwer.. Leme say I'm not rich YET... One day is one day...
Next qooh....
Lol...hahahahahahahahaha... Who\'s fault is it?? Infact..ur as* shoulda been aborted! If ratos not happy, hws tht any of my business nje? Go write a book bwt it
I knw that you're smart.... What's the next qooh? :P
Hahahahahahahahaha...... Lol. U r really sumthng els.. Who eva yuu are. So I'm gesn tht u had "wet drms" nd u js wna make sure tht ure nt the only 1... Its okay to dream of ish lyk tht. Ure not alone. I speak for many ppl...
I knw xctly wht wet drms are... Dd u hear that girls get em too?? Or am I the stupid 1 here?
As a man... Do get period pains?
Lol... I dnt dream bwt hm... Coz he's my reality... Nd thanx 4 being the judge witout no one asking yuu to be =)
Hahaha... I miss yuu to mub mub... Hope u behaving ther.. I'll pop in to say hi wen I get time..mwas
Dnt ever let the ship sink... Be hnest at all times... Nd if yuu dnt really love hm/her, dnt waste their time pretending.. Nd always act crazy.. Serious relationshps r really boring..
No shame that's sad... Hw cn u ask sumthng like that?? Cheap...? R1000 is mney tht u make in a year... Nd I'm stepping on it..haha. Wt the hell wur u doin at guess?hurting urself for no reason.. M sho u wur askng wen the sale is...shame
Do yuu knw who u are? If not... Where dd u lose yourself??
Dpends on the cut of the trouser... Buh usually ima 30..
I am my boyfrends best frend...
Yaah. But frm my ears tho
Stupid *****.. Stop thnkng with ur b*m yeva?!. Hw cna forget wher I *** frm? Do u even knw wher you\'re going??????????
Thank yuu.... He kno's who he is... Buh I love me sum Munya***
I'd call the president... Coz together..we can do more!!!
BlackBerry E72
Shame... If I say no... I'd be hurting ur feelings...
Prbbly 1nce.. Buh 2nd time.. Never.. Nobody's purfect. Nd I wudnt be stupid to stay.. Hed js be stupid to cheat.
Oh oh.. Thanx.. Beauty isn't a feeling love... Its a way of life... Good, keep smiling... No 1 likes a ugly dwarf
Just coz I wanna knw who yuu are, here yuu go...2179BD9A. If I dnt like yuu... Nd I'm no mre on your list, nthngs wrng with ur fone... Tht js means you're deleted... Its life
I look for what I've found in hm
Ma bby. He's fast, sporty, gr8 body... Turns softly on ma curves.. I'm comfortable wen I'm wt hm.. Wen I break dwn into tears hs air bags save me. Wen I'm in ths "car" I feel safe nd it takes me everywhere.. Places I neva imagined! Cars like hm r hard to find
"Yuu're the best thng that's ever happend to me"
I wdnt do anythng.. U sed if YUU kissed munya.. Not if MUNYA kissed yuu... Dnt thnk hed kiss u back... Buh nevatheless go ahead nd try it!
Thanx... Nah... Its pvt property...
Hau... That's me!! Lol.... Dd u thnk swegan was ma real name?? Hahahahaha..lolest
Ma baby recently told me live with no regrets. Man I love him!
I really dnt understand y ure so intrestd in Munya nd I... Y joh?? U ddnt evn hook us up...mxm. The reasn y I'm so into him is coz of sumthng that u'll never get to experience..
Well.... Use a frends fone or somethng to text me..... Nd ill reply...... Y dnt u want me to knw who u r??
Good! U cn speak engrish... Nw ask me that in a way that makes sense.....
Stop having lack of confidence nd reveal urself.... Ths whole "anonymous" thng.. Nt cool. So when u reveal urself... We'll tawk
I just don't give a **** wt ppl thnk bwt me, nd when ppl say ish bwt me... I dnt let it break me... Coz.. I JS DON'T GIVE A DAMN...!! =D...
No thanx...
When I grow up neh?? I wanna be a mother, a lover, a wife, a better sister, a successful daughter... And I wanna be a stronger believer
Thanx hey..
Ncaw.. FanX heY.. Fah ReaL
Its actually very touching that ur "confidence" or shuda say... "Empty confidence".. Its 20times bigger than ur I.Q... What a shame..... I'd kil myself if I were u.... U dnt deserve to live. Game Over.. Next player.......