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Save urslf 4rm curiosity n let me rescue u

99 Replies

Wt r u stadyn agan?

analytical chemistry. khane u wnt 2 employ

Swtz1kG replied 4683 days ago

heard u preg

lol haha yeap im 13wiks n cravin 4 dairy milk....u lusin ur sense of humour dude dts if u eva hd it.

Swtz1kG replied 4683 days ago

mara wt dus 1 hv 2 do 2 gt ur atension?

ask 4 it

Swtz1kG replied 4683 days ago

saw ur ex bf in twn ka wknd,ws he der 2 c u?

mara u saw hm n ddnt ask hm,ke nagana gore he ws here 4 u 2 c hm.

Swtz1kG replied 4683 days ago


a persn wu is obsesd wt a particular activity or interest/prsn regardd as strnge cos of deir unusual behavior or apearance.

Swtz1kG replied 4683 days ago

y ddnt u store my numbas?

u nva said i xuld

Swtz1kG replied 4683 days ago

Whm r u curently dating?do u sumtym mic ur ex's?

as far as im concernd im single..n misin ex ai dude im nt an archaeologist,

Swtz1kG replied 4685 days ago

Wats ur imaginary bf lol H3llboi

lol iyo since i hvnt *** acros hm i thnk he dusnt exist n dcidd 2 stop imagining lol

Swtz1kG replied 4685 days ago

what d u miss abt home?

yoh lt of thns..da sound of my dad sayin my gal,ma gran sayin mangkoana,my lil bro sily jokes n lil sistas moms cukin and her words of inspiration.and da sound of birds.

Swtz1kG replied 4685 days ago

Y do u suspect emmanuel rakabe donell 4 ur last question?

lmao hah lol hahaha paparazi im suspectin u 4 ur info...Emma is my 4rnd im jst kidin wt hm

Swtz1kG replied 4689 days ago

Rumour has it tht u were dating some guy by the name of Stone, is it true?

lol ai rumour neh! I dnt hv an ex by dat name so i dnt thnk rumour ws referin 2 me

Swtz1kG replied 4689 days ago

No no if i wuld ask u 2 slp wt me wuld u agree?

le ge bare ke go bolawa ke matswai,o kaba ke hlakana bjasha jst 2 agree 2 slip wt unknwnimous? Aowa nagana dude n gt a lyf!

Swtz1kG replied 4690 days ago

If i ask 2 *** slp wth u 2nyt, wud u agree?

if i ask 2 *** slp wt u 2nyt,wud u agree?

Swtz1kG replied 4694 days ago

would you come to my flat and cook for me?

lol anon wel im nt a psychic

Swtz1kG replied 4694 days ago

Hw mani guyz do u wish to knw in persn on ya fb? H3llboi

i thnk abt 6 of u..i nw knw most of em

Swtz1kG replied 4695 days ago