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'Gee', as an alternative to swearing.
Ryan Ross, and FOB lyrics.
Awwwwwww, oh to late this was sent a year ago. Aslo my name not fiona ok
on a different note, SCHHOOL PHOTOS TOMORROW taking my trusty paper bag with me. Lol wouldnt know hose lyrics at all. assuming they are lyrics?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/
You've lost me ::(:(:(:(:(
SHould probs knnow song lyrics to this...
I'm a fffing arsonist, if crazy equals genius
the fear the fear of falling apart. Plot Twist
I would forget that I'm shy, if that's possible
Ok, where are you
Ι Δεν ξέρω
too odd to live too rare to die. Basically, Odd and random.
Yes, I do. Do you? (this is know question/interrogation session mkay)
I'd rather not get a one directon album thanks, Panic! is much better
Hang out do whatever my heart desires,LOL that sounded real cheesy
A boring lolography no that's boring I wouldn't write an auto biography in the first place
To my mum cause she is cool
Ummm.... The whole single part i guess? Less responsibilities? Lol I am SUCH a 5 year old
Nicely, like I'm human. Also, I hate it when people go all like "you can't hit a girl" and I'm just here like "it ain't gonna hurt anyway, I get in fights with my little brothers" seriously though, it's annoying
to the mentalhospital
Can you give me directions?
it was a joke,
joking with what?
if you are In 7c you would know
are you lauren
ok then, AMBER, Caitlyn, matt
Yes I am here
it wasn't that bad,
that show *looks up random laughy faces*
If your days are too long. sleep
you know thoses ones with the star leaves, that drop all these little spiky things
maple, oak, lemonade, chocolate, the one that drops the spikey balls
I have weird obsessions with words and music so..... Yeah
Of course its not
That's what the voices in my head told me
Bob is a cool name
turtles are cool. Foxes are red (which is cool)
Is it that bad. oops:(:(:(:((
it doesn't matter. I can send a pic though
Lemonade juice?
Boring people/people who hate music are dead to me
My inability to get over this guy I like and my terribleness at doing schoolwork
Listen to music, read, incpherently mutter, scooter
Shaun the sheep movie
Lauren???? I've met them in the hanging tree, yesterday WhEN I WAS HUNG I AM A GHOST!!!!!!!!!!!
Yayyyy!!!! Wait how come I'm not dead?
Ummm, is this an actual question. If so YOUWILLNEVERKNOW!!! Mwuhahahahaha¡¡¡
05 years old, jeez im already married! But to who?
Wouldn't you like to know
Ok, who is this? Either way YASSSS
Random sh** it's all me and my friends talk about anyway
Better questions of the day, or more questions of the day BORED!!!!! GECKOFACE btw I'm weird
The super power to have all superpowers, so I can switch between flying and invisibility and making popcorn appear out of nowhere and stopping time