Who are you dating?
No one
One thing you like about yourself?
Don't know haha
Current mood?
Angry, annoyed, happy, Confused, sleepy
Probs not hun
Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?
Yeah Adem Yilmaz you broke my heart in year 7 you twat
did you get f.u.c.k.e.d by bailey cause people saying you have actually he is lol lol lol lol
Lol lol its a joke get a sense of humor babe
What time do you sleep?
Stop having *ex with evo
I can't help it soz
Hi it's terry add me for a chat
Oookay Steph
I love you to bits! You're such a bubbly person and so easy to get along with, you're so pretty wth its not fair, you make me laugh and I have great fun with you always xx
tendai mcmuffin
Ruby my bae
favorite song
prettiest girls in year 9 staughton
Emily Cooke, Chloe, Shanae baker,
There's more but thats all I cab think of
What freaks you out ?
favourite year 8's at bmc
Jennifer Warwick, ruby, abbey, Dimitri, cousin, Christian
Can money buy love?
Hell nah, buy money can be my diamonds
2 things you dislike about yourself?
Eyes and fingers bleh
Thoughts on Shaynia Foley and Brittany Stephenson
Both pretty gals xx
thoughts on rachel brigante and frankie nelson if you remember them
Rachel- she was so nice to me at st Marys we had some pretty good memories and she's pretty!
Frankie- we were in the same class, really nice girl
What annoyed you today?
Biting my lip :(
you would so **** brad, dont lie, you lil cutie
Jordy fk up
best friends?
Brad, Sharn, Ellen.
thoughts on jhye, bailey younger, tyler hall and dylan bishop
Kents all of dem
whats happening with you and caitlin shaw?
Nothing, she deleted me of Facebook hahah
ghettto botttyyy
What can I say
do you like anyone?
Nah home slice
if brad told you he liked you would you go out with him
Nah, we are too close for that ****
**** tendai, your getting so hot now omg
Thanks bbby
your as* today omgggg
Its my as* everyday soz
you and jaycob blake would be cute
Luv Jay but no haha
How many kids do you want to have?
i want threeee
Dont worry about caitlin, shes a ****ing ***** anyway <3
im not worrying, but thanks
Friend you cannot live without?
Alll ma friends
favourite present you got lastnight?
Everything about last night was perfecttt
It's totally your birthday tomorrow jordypw
im actually kinda excited er mah gerd
Your beautiful and sorry for throwing a pen at your head :') xx Meaghan__
hahahha its fine gal xxx
A super power you wish you had?
read minds omg yesss
thoughts on abbi bolt
such a gun at footy! and great to talk to
thoughts on that girl natasha in year 8?
Pretty girl! Great to have a chat with
What are you really good at?
who do miss from staughton the most?
Emily, Travis, Shanae and Dave
your best pals?
Best memory at Staughton
everyday was a memory!
ill let you sit on my anyday
Nice grammar dude
she's dating me actually jordypw
True love
Who are you dating?
thoughts on samara, jordyn and paige wilson
Samara- I have so much love for her!
Jordyn- she's such a lovely girl and pretty and her and Brock are cayootess
Paige- she's so cute and really nice!
thoughts on dok
he is my favvv
Aw your a good kid and you're good to have cahts with, but you're always so mean to me
Do you trust brad?
Yeah I do
thoughts on sam boslem
all round good kid
Lol ten such a downgrade, from Brett to Brad hahahaha
myself and brad are best friends so shut your pie hole.
you have a ghetto b**ty my friend
oh god damn
thnx friend
Why do you always look at me?
Don't stop though cause I like it mmh
im going to stop cause thats messed up dude
why so many questions about brad omgggg
i know omggggg
Who the **** is this Brad kid
Someones that's way better than you
You should play footy girl!
thoughts on cailtin shaw
She's bootiful
prettiest year 9 bmc girls
I've already answered this
Best friends?
Brad's my bestie but I have really close friends tooo
I'm so scared to talk to you at school, like I really want to know you because from everything I hear about you you're such a lovely, hilarious girl and your different, you don't act like everyone else,
I'm not even scary! Just come say hi, I wont bite I promise!
And aw that's sweeet
I love love your body, people think skinny is the **** but curves and an as* all the way
#teamcurvy all the way
But thank ya
Does brad still smoke
Does he?
Do you have a thing with brad or what?
Why don't you go ask him, you noisy ****
Thoughts on Georgia Dorward?
Would actually want to get to know her a little more!
She's pretty too
Where did you get the name 'ten' from
your as* is so tenda tendai , see what I did? yeah yeah
hahahhahahah who are you, you made my day
thoughts on sharn
Endless love for her
you should wear pants everyday mmmh gurlll
Don't tell me what to do
Do u work at nandos? How long
"Your as* just stares at me"
yep cause it has 2 eyes and everything
I'm going to your birthday batch
with that said, you are
Your actually like perfect :) Meaghan__
your so cuteee, thank youuuu
id love to touch your asss
ok you creepy person
where'd he go?
where did who go?
what are you going do for your birthday
Probs a dinner
Smartphone that is on your wishlist?
I phone 20
Sick of what ****s are saying on here if you got somthing to say come say it to my face
Dont worry about them xxx
Luv you
The biggest mistake you made in your life?
Being too nice to annoying pricks
you bootiful bby
Thanks sushi roll
Hahahaha he's just using you, all boys do anyway
He's different and I know it.
favourite year 10 girls
Caitlin, Dayna, Tamika, Kelly, Maddy Taylor , Paige and Gabby
You and brad would be cute aw
thoughtss tendai ya mad b* tch abbeysolomon
Ya such a mad ***** abbby
We do like the weirdest hand sign language stuff at school whenever we walk past each other its cutee
But your a stunner and so nice xx