Ok me and Tina are not dating.... And I didn't tell any1 anything!!!!!!! So if uu got a problem nd wanna start shiit... Tell me to my face!!!!!
oh well his telling every1 that u too are d8ing!
Thats messed up!!!!thanXxX for telling me!!and btw im single...so na im not dating him!!!
Papamalus retard!!!how long have u been d8ing hom?
how long have u and Alex p BEEN DATING?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Who the hell is Alex p??????
i heared u where with Shane Jameson,Ricard&Lorenso last night?why the fok?
heard.....Shayne Jamison....Richard...Lorenzo....and No..not last night on tuesday night...&& BecOs iiw enT soMewhErE&&TheY were TheRe To...sO we ChiLLed...Please learn to spell though!!:)
What is up with having your chest as your profile pic are you that despitite
hahaha wtf is despitite...shame:) Learn english than You may come and speak to me....
Hey I don't even know you but you look really beautiful!do you have bbm?
Is it true you sent questions like "you soo beautiful" on qhoome to yourself to just look good?
Haha. Yeah :p I just don't 'include user info' anymore :p
BuTtFaCe and you still donno who it is?? 0_o nice!
karyla wahahahahahah KayLa Duh!!thought sow!!!!:)
Hehe. I miss yoUr CrAzInEsS biiiiig time!!!! :(
haha...who r Uu just wanna make sure ii have the ryt person haha
Waaaay better :p hehe*
haha Awwww okii:)
NO chipmunk!!!!!! That's mean!! #not impressed
haha Okay!!!Hey mY CuTe LiL BesTi??better??
BuTtFaCe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha*
Ms Barresi!!! *I GOT IT RYT* #happydance
LoL had to see if u still alive (I know u are coz I was just talking to u on whatsapp:P) psht* I sound hyper ryt nw don't I?? :|
if ii knew who Uu were???confused face!!
i r bee m missing un gang ::) ;;)
hahahah wtf??
Sowi** I clearly Wasn't thiNKing...X_x sO sO sO So sO soWi!*
hahaha Jaw MegzZi!Jaw OnlY uU!!O.o
HewOZzz Ms. Baressi...(:
haha ellow..
-its Barresi ey:)
does it not bother u?
-NO!not 1 bit:)
-Im really happy with my guy So storm has nothng 2 do with meh anyway:)
So could Uu guys plz stop with the storm question?:)
Storms getting married. What u think bwt that?
-Ag im happy 4 them ey(:
-supa glad his found 'the 1'' that makes hIm HaPpY(:
-and ThEy MuSt Have a great&&wonderful future 2gether!(:
wats wit my money weres it at?? Im ***ming 4 u !!!
lmfao Dario!!!
arnt u scared that christian finds like someone prettier/better then you?
well Yea..there is always gna be that fear ey..But ii trust hIm enough 2 Know that his not searching 4 some1 better or prettier...ii trust HiM 2 be happy with meh(:
arg i am chilling at school!gna write second session soon ey
ag shweet man(:
-GwD LuCk:)
what you dooooin?
im supposed 2 be studying bUT my brother is chilling with meh Sow ii cant get much done!X.x wahah and Uu?
is there someone speciaal in yo life?
haha YEaP(:
why do you call most of your friends dude or bra
ii dno(:
-It kinda jst started last year with Kaykay and Then we got hooked onto the word nw we jst tawk 2 every1 like that ey
i think you are the cutest thing that my eyes have ever seen!!
haha awhhh FanXxX^.^
is it true ur bro is a karate beast?
hahaha awe Thats lame of Uu bro!^.^ Uu thnk so much of urself!!^.^
jy is baie Uniek...!
jy lyk as jy is baie ''rich''
haha..bra ur afrikaans is bad!!(:
-Well we dnt consider ourselfs as rich..more like well off ^.^
your room is the size of my whole house!!!X.x
hahahahahahahaha!!Oh ii ddnt knw Uu lived in a shack!
when u c'ing chris again?
have u ever met christiaan btw??
yes ii have BTW(:
u fnk u two will last long?
haha..yea ii rate we will???
are yu happi with chris?
haha yea ii am Ey(:
he makes meh Happier than i've ever been before :)
Isn't it Amazing hw 1 a$$h*le can ruin a friendship ay...will whatsapp u(: LoLLz
ii knw ryt!!!!gwosh!Pathetic ag im over it ey!!More then happy nw!!Chat nw kay!!like NOW!!!
Too easy...O.o hehe* well yes it is me(:
haha well duh...Uu were the only chOp that called meh that<3
Great times budzZ!
Whatsapp meh-0745096762 kay!
Ok let's think...I used to call u TynaBell**??
megan?? :D
Its Kinda Obvious Who I am*...|:
giVe meh a hint?
just want to say your gorgeuos ey.
Any dwd is lucky to have u!
Your amasing dont change tina!
P.s u and chris r like the perfect cupple!
hehe ag dankie man(:
Means alot(:
ThanX :)
-EnjOy ur nIghT
how was your day?
was way 2 cold ey!and UrzZ?(:
when did yu guis start dtin?
7th JunE(:
on a scale of 1-100!how faithful are yu to Christian?
100 ey...Ii wuld never even think of cheating On Him!NEVER*
-he knows everythng bwt meH(:
-And ii wuld never lie 2 Him!(:
-so 100 sounds bwt ryt:)
Doesn't it botha u wen he doesn't right on ya wall or doesn't even like or comment on tha stuff u write 4 him
no not really ey(:
-I mean it used to but ii realised its his choice...:)
-Its nt gna make our relationship GREAT jst cos he likes my wall post on his wall&& stuff..:)
Our relationship isnt about liking&&posting well flip our relationship isnt even about faceboOk:)
Our relationship is like pretty strong so No it doesnt bother meh(:
Do u and chris hve photos 2gether think u make a cute couple
haha TnxX && Na nOt yet hey(:
-ddNt really focus on taking pixX But deff will next TiMe!Ii promise(:
Why did u ova react and not answer my q.me
which Q?:)
So if christiaan asks u 2 sleep wth u will u
And dnt ovreatc just a simple (y) or (n)
not over reacting Just simply tell Uu 2 shutUp:)be4 ii slap Uu with a dictionary!!
what you doing today?
*late reply*
-Uhm Ii chilled with My boii ey:)
who u datin?
christian Ferreira(:
Ooooo check out this Jelous cHoPs!! Haha!!!* happy 4 yew butt face!! :)* Kayla2434
haha imma slap them eish!!**(:
rnheehee faNxxX b*m HeaD!
R u gona sleep with christian?
ag shUtUp!X.x
GOsh Uu a IdiOt'!
chriS mEaNS thE woRlD 2 MeH so DnT ComE HeRe wiTh Ur sTupIdnEss!!IDiOt
Do uw remember me!???!!! Tina !!! :D I talked 2 uw on mxit :P !!!!! Cayla
oh em gee!!!My lil gansta!!!hw could ii ever 4get Uu!!gee lil 1 its been 4ever!!!!O.o
oh so you like christiaan.Ferrera
Hehe. Loves yew 2! Oh yeah I roll like that :)* :D stay aWesOmE!! Hehe Kayla2434
hehe forever && always Dork!
BAM!!! Hehe* have an awesome night butt face :)* Kayla2434
hahaha thats hw u roll!!^.^ haha u rock Nana butt!!!:)Loves Uu!!BaMmMm!!!haha have a fab nyt bUtTttt face
Hey you hope yÓu sleep tight
TnXxX im sure ii will:)
-HoPe Uu sleep well ey!:)
Why are your boo*s so awesome
why are you such a perv?
Pay more attention to your own lives you retards** :)* looks like its needed :) and stay out of TiNaA's!! :) Kayla2434
Ag Jis I love Uu kAyKay!!(:
who do u like??tell us?or give us a hint
-Na ii wuld rather keep it 2 me;my twin;and hIm:)
BeCos it might work out way better if facebOok Doesnt know bwt it!:)#Just saYinG#
Why do u like him of all guys he ugly
haha*Uu dnt even knw who it is!!
does he know you like him?
haha (: Ii gave Uu a hint already!:) ''Its a guy''..!thats a hint ryt?!^.^
give me a hint?
NaaA soWii
Next time people try be me just make sure you spell my name, ROYCE, thanks
hi this is Roeyce!i hate you u slu*!u *****!
Love u babe
hahahhahahahahahahahahahahah lmfao*
Hey tina its melissa lol just wanted 2 say thanks again 4 being a great person dna wu this idiot is bt just wna tell him sumthin.......hey KUNT come tell me that 2 my face Dic*less prick u probly dnt even knw me shi*head!!thanks tina stay pretty!!!!:)
haha hey melzZ!!:)haha oki(:
Yea say it like it is bbe^.^
Haha stay AwesUm :)
why did you just stick up vir Melissa if shes just a Bit**;hore;motherfuacka get what i mean?
wahaha idiot(:
-I stuck up 4 her becos her haters hate her just becOs they will never be like her!:)
-Haha Dude stop TawkiNg Bwt Ur mOthEr LiKe thaT!!:)
-Ur pathetic&& Uu shUld stOp Judging!!:)
But its going to be hard getting over you
whOoOo Uu(:
-GiVe mEh A HinT!:D
why do you ask tina for advice if a guy doesnt like you,but u like him?or the other way..all the guys like Tina...so she has never been in theat kinder situation!
thats Not trUe...liKe nw Uu TawKinG JuNk SweEtY:)
Ive BeeN in ThAt SitUatIon BeFore. . .And Not All The gUys LiKe Meh. . . .SoO Ii haVe No IdeA WhY Uu EvEn seNt ThIs!!:)
why do girls ask questions they already know the answer to?
haha..Well girls kinda wanna see If The Guy Is GoNna Be hOnesT WiTh Her Or jUst GoNna MakE Up SomE Lie..:)
BasIcalLy A SmAll HoNesTy TesT ii GuEss(:
What do you do if you like someone and they don't like you back??
get over them:)
Or tRy Get TheM tOoO lIke Uu(:
Shw ThEm How Much TheY MeaN 2 Uu:)
-Either 1 Myt WoRk
why would sum1 ask bwt u and christiaan?theres no signs?
haha exactly!!!
whats goin on betwn u and Christiaan.F
Atleast tell what his name starts
Somewhere frOm A to Z hehe
I'm just Saying I might not know what he has done or what he is like or how bad he is... But I know my savior... And nothing is imposible with Him* Enjoy your day..
haha Well lemme knw whO uU r :) CoS mAyBe Uu caN be aLl LiKe christiaN lIkE In a ChuRcH Ey(: iI can HoOk Uu Up:)
-ThanX 4 The advIce!:)
You said... That Someone canot change that is judging ... That is declaring someone else fate... That is judging.. Even when I tell you your judging I'm judging you myself so I'm guilty to don't get me wrong
-If Uu knew what he has done then Uu wuld understand.....
-And every1 who knows his knows he wont change!We all knw it...thats the thng!:)
-Uu dnt even knw who he is...SoOo LiKe uU wonT unDeRstAnD wHy Ii Sd ThAt!:)
Yeah...:) So jst liKe chIll:) EnjOy Ur day
give me a hint
na*InboxX meh And ill tell Uu
Don't u think its harsh to judge Cus anyone can turn their life around Anyone can be lost and then found* anyone can give their life to Jesus and gain his love don't you think??
yes ii agree?Who did Ii JuDge??I ddnt Judge anY1?:)
Who's the guy you like the most?
well Take a randOm GUesS(:
Is There Anyone guy you think is a Hige Ashole and who is he 2 you..????
yes there is ey(:
& his nothIng 2 Meh anYmorE!:)
Wats ur bra size little girl?
whats Ur IQ Lil boy?:)
im starting to make some changec in my life..and imma start by getting u back in my life...asking u 2 leave my life was the worst think ive ever done!ur amazing come back plz?love from #J#
hahahaha Uu ChaNgE??Hahah ThAt WulD bE tHe daY!:)&& Lets Get ThiS StRaiGhT(:
-I toLd UU!2 LeaVe mY lIfe Not thE oThEr waY!(:
So Uu TawKinG K*k:)
So whAt The hEll!:)
NoT a ChanCe In Hell WuLd ii EvEr EnTer Uur LiFe agAiN!!:)
-Sowi 4Get iT!
i gave yu my love ta borrow and u just gave it away
-Yea thats some of the lyrics 2 My fav sonG:)
when We gna hook up?
not anytime SoOoon(:
u'r one of the funest ppl ive eva met chickey!!haha u make meh laugh..i met u the other day!i really enjoy my day with u!was really fin!u make me lmao!haha enjoy ur day!pS my name starts with 'D'
hahahaha Yea i knw who this!!=D hahaha That day was epic!!Ii had alot of fun budzZ*:) TnX ey(:
Xoxo EnjOy ur day
you+Singing Michael Jackson-man in the mirrow=Epic\Legend times hahaha epic bru
hahahahah Yea**!!Ii totally like hit all those notes wahahah
hey hey gorgues...
just want ta sae u r amasing
Big huegs and kerses:)
love u
pleasa date me!
hahahahah*:)Hi and Please LeaRn 2 SpEll:)
Have a great day:)
TinA you are amazing and I want you to go out with me please, you are really beautiful <3
haha*:) Cute!<3
Hehe whO r Uu?:)MayBe ii feEl tHe sAme Way:)DonT Be shY!:)whatsapp me 0745096762:)or add meh on mxit 0794839569:) On inboxX Meh!:)
who do you like??
is somethng gna hapen between ya'll??or do u like some1 else?
uhm na Nothings gna happen between Us(: Dont get meh wroNg:) ii had alot of fuN wiTh HiM:)His an amazIng GuY bUt ii ReAlLy LiKe SomeBodY elSe:)
his lawrk realli hot!
haha*...Go tell hIm that!!who Are Uu anyway??Like soMe stAlkEr whO was StalKinG Us @ The Ice-riNk!!
the guy you spent moast of yur dae with chicki!!u guys sat by eachoda and everything!!
oh!!!Kenny!!!What abouT hIm?:)
he was lawk reali hot...he was waring a hoodie????
wearing**And they were all wearing hoodie's!!!!
who was that guy u wer wit yesterdae at da ice rink?
uhm...Ii was with alot of guys yesterday @ the ice-rink...was with my bro...Cousins...and my bro's friends?...My cousins bf...and his cousin...?be more pacific(: