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Lol tjo am afraid 2 tel u lol u myt b Jelus >wink<
Lol am 4eva doin wird thngz its even hard 2 pic one lol ges bein wird is part of my lyf style
I no 3 nthabisengz wich 1 u tokin abt?
Lol on wat termz?
Eh lol no comment
Nah my Ego wudnt allow me
Lol the only kamogelo i no is the 1 4rm uptwn nd no daddy made it clear tht i gve my usd toys 2 the less fortunate haha *tht came out rng*
Ai nun hey al i cn say is she stayd wit the past haha
Ai ges am stil the topic at tht skul lol nd yea itz true
Lol ehmmm that am forever flirting
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Crazy, Caring and Loving