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U mean haha? so ovs its u hayley payley ?
Nah , woudnt even consider that but its white tips ?
Who said I'm going to even have children one day ? but uhm if it's boy I'll name it after my dad because my dad was named after a family relative so yeah and I look up to my dad so awe ?
Wtp grow the fck up ?
Don't hate anyone just people pisssed me off sometimes and I always hold grudges but I'm never nasty keep everything to myself ?
Being in the next grade ND yeah not as much kak ND living life tm
Idk u but thanks
How the fck must I know probsthat because my sleep is more overated than being a millionaire rn ??
Living life to the max like em rich kids of Beverly Hills ???
Sleep and sleep and sleep ?
Wanna get stabbed with a pen again ??
Yeah , why ?
Well its your fault for making me wait ??, and your mother gave birth to a organic ginto ???, you have made school for the past 2 weeks shot❤??
fck yourself go to crew gay f** thays where u belong goffel ?
I wouldnt so no need to me named?