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1k Replies

Why don't all of these people go away. You can think what you want to think. These people are probably just being hipocritical

No they are. A lot of people have no filter from the looks of it.

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3472 days ago

Society says that you have to be tolerant of people's beliefs and lives and "love them for who they are", so tell me, you people who "chirp" same for her beliefs, how's that workin out for ya? I don't think you have any clue as where to even start! Sorry, Sam.

Couldn't have said it any better thank you!:) <3

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3472 days ago

You people wanna not be "chirped" for being gay and for your beliefs, right? And youre telling Sam here not to do that to people because it's intolerant? So how are you not doimg the same thing when you are intolerant if her beliefs and are "chirping" her?

Exactly! Some people are just so ignorant..

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3472 days ago

hello how are you?

Heyy!:) I'm alright wbu?:)

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3472 days ago

Thoughtss gavinwhiteye

Well i just started talking to you don't really know you that well but you seem pretty nice and you're really sweet!:) Inbox anytime you want :)

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3472 days ago 1

fck you dressing as Hitler who killed gays in the holocaust you fcking btch keep you're head up you homophobe

Well dont fxcking say im homophobic because im not at all? If that offends you then what you're saying to me offends me so gtfo if you're that dumb haha.

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3472 days ago

I'm going to dress like Im gay for Hallowe, hopefully i don't scare you too much

Im gonna dress up as hitler for Halloween. Hopefully i don't scare you too much.

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3472 days ago

Your boyfriends great in bed ;)

I wouldn't know.

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3472 days ago

Thanks to clay I ain't wearing a white dress

Does it look like i give two shts ?

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3472 days ago

Hung out with clay last biggest dck I've had in a while

Thats cute haha

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3472 days ago

What do you want right now ?

For Wednesday to hurry up so i can see my man ♥♥♥♥

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3473 days ago

**** you honestly. You ****ing **** **** ****. Literally crying because of you holy ****. **** you

Whoa there watch your profanity. Tf did i do to you? I dont talk to people so i dont understand how i can make you cry? All i gotta day to this is you need dr phil clearly. Damn.

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3473 days ago

How old are you?

15 late bday tho.

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3474 days ago

on a scale of 1-chicken how nugget

2 chicken

TacosAreGRREAT replied 3475 days ago

homofoamic asf


TacosAreGRREAT replied 3475 days ago