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Shantae fotia


go ahead

1.1k Replies

What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?

Black Forest

Taefotia replied 3279 days ago

What do you want most out of life?

Wouldn't have a clue

Taefotia replied 3390 days ago

Fav boys in year 8 (CSC)


Taefotia replied 3408 days ago

What cheers you up ?

my family :))

Taefotia replied 3423 days ago

What is your current mood and why ?


Taefotia replied 3438 days ago

Rate yourself out of 10

well my personality is a 6 and my face is a 4, so basically I'm a 10

Taefotia replied 3460 days ago 6

Which song do you think you repeated the most ?

all the sad songs on my phone

Taefotia replied 3464 days ago

Thoughts? xx bryliemac1

aw you're such a gorgeous person, such a strong girl, beat sense of humour, adore you lots, love you heaps xx

Taefotia replied 3465 days ago 1

Thoughts? Xx Hayyleyy

omg omg you're my fav person, such a beautiful person, best body, I actually love you so much, sweetest girl, so kind hearted, I just love you so very very much :*

Taefotia replied 3466 days ago 1

what do you look for in a boy?

left handed or at least can kick a ball with their left foot. omg n they need to love food n sleep as much as I do :))

Taefotia replied 3466 days ago

What type of people bore you ?

boring people :((

Taefotia replied 3467 days ago

What do you hate about yourself ?

everything lol

Taefotia replied 3471 days ago

Are you and Riley tuning?


Taefotia replied 3471 days ago 1

How do you deal with a break up ?

depends on how I felt about that person, but whatever happens, happens

Taefotia replied 3476 days ago

How do you deal with someone with bad breath?

I tell them

Taefotia replied 3483 days ago