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Tahlia Salan


spam meee ?

300 Replies

What was your biggest mistake?

dating a boy who wasn't right for me and letting him consume me and get inside my head

Tahlia.Salan00 replied 2918 days ago

What was the best compliment you've ever received?

Imma ****.


Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3037 days ago

What do you have no time for?


Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3053 days ago

Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?

A matte black and blue BMW or Skyline

Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3060 days ago

How old will you be in 2030 ?

Old enough

Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3065 days ago 1

What's something everyone likes but you hate with a passion?

Probably people

Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3071 days ago

So does that mean you ride dirtbikes

I've ridden a few motorbikes in my time. That sticker came on the mirror. I have no idea whose it was, so no, I'm not a dirtbike rider.

Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3072 days ago

Who's is that fmf sticker

It's on my mirror

Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3073 days ago

Rate the following
Emma F
Claudia M
Erin M

Emma F- 5
Claudia- 5
Erin- 5

Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3075 days ago

Rate the following girls out of ten on their popularity: Carlie, holly, Caroline, Tasman, Kendall, Eliza, Hannah, Olivia Butler, Natasha Craig, Ashleigh, Tasmyn, Taylah and Mikayla :)

Carlie- 9, Holly-8.5, Caroline, 9, Tasman- 9.5, Kendall- 9, Eliza-9, Hannah- 8, Olivia-6, Natasha-5, Ash-9.99, Tasmyn-9.99, Taylah-9.99 and Mikayla-9.99

Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3075 days ago

Who are the sportiest girls in each year level at esc?

Year 8- Mikayla z, Year 9- Eliza? Year 10- Julia, Yesr 11- dunno, Year 12- Dunno.

Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3075 days ago

What's the one moment in your life you wish was recorded?

My first love asking me to be his girlfriend

Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3078 days ago

I dont think so ?

Don't think so for what?

Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3078 days ago

Pls cutie BigJames

Nah :)

Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3078 days ago

I added you hmu Queensmodeling

On snapchat?

Tahlia.Salan00 replied 3078 days ago