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Aw. You should inbox me cutie.
Thankyou :)
TahliaWaldron76 Maybe you need capitals :)
Yea I guess
Tahliawaldron76 Message me x
Yeah I used to look up to eb! She was a great person and was my idol when I was younger and I always said I wanted to be just like her She was such a beautiful girl! She's with the angels now xx
Sure did
What shorts?
Tahliaaabmx :) add me
Yeah I knew her... Why
Haha that's alright then!
Haha! I really didn't, had no make up on and I had been sick vomiting all day! I looked far from *exy
I'm not saying exact names hahaha
Um ofcourse !!
This is pretty cute, you should message me xx
Maybe x
I don't think so but thanks haha
Thanks babe
Haha really? I wasn't going to put it up cause I thought the first photo was embarrassing ! But thankyou xx
Haha thanks xx
Because I would rather date someone that makes me happy and I can trust.. Didn't have that with josh !
HAHAHAHA no! Would never do that again.!
My bed :)
Yeah he's a nice guy :)
You have problems I swear! I'll text you
Bmx bikes :))
I called you last week you have my number
Good looking Smells good haha Good personality Funny :) Rides bikes haha ;)
Bring me a gym pass then I will!! I had an appointment today but I was too scared to go haha
Idk hahaha
I just don't miss him , he doesn't make me happy anymore. There's really nothing to say about it. We have both moved on , he's my past now and that's all.
? What's *****
I miss having a relationship but not with him, much happier without him :)
Inbox me it's easier haha
Can't remember what it is :)
I don't know tbh, would be difficult because of where he lives
Do you have to be nosey?
We didn't?
All really nice guys :)
I don't know
That's secret. ;)
I think it was the chicken
Haha nah he's the best love my dad! He wouldn't hurt a thing!!!! And aw, thanks :))
Aw! I love you too, even though I don't know who this is?..
Who are you? And I completely doubt it my dad would touch anyone!!! He looks scary but is the biggest softy!!
I don't know
Thanks cutie :*
Aw this is so cute
I eat as much as I can! I eat and if I eat to much I get sick .
Whyyyy! And this sounds bad but I can barley eat 2 meals a day I get full so Quicky !
Haha could you inbox me ? I really wanna know who this is xxx
Haha who is this!? I want to be tiny and a stick but ! I wanna be confident to wear swimmers :(
I eat chocolate too much! I have to stop
I have the grossest stomach!!!! And I want to fix my arms they are yucky too!!!
I'm trying to loose weight.. I am not thin at all
As in people who throw themselves at others.
I haven't moved on to anyone, I don't need someone constantly .. I can survive by myself ..
Umm talking to a few male people doesn't mean I'm sleeping with them ..
Yeah I have moved on, but no I respect myself unlike some..
We'll starting at the fact that I've moved on fine myself probably not. I'm fine with just being his friend, and you wouldn't know anything about why we aren't together so you don't know why I'm happy he's moving on :)
I know, that's great for him :)
Haha don't worry then, I don't really care.. I'd be happy to know he's moving on tbh
Who's his new girl haha
Yeah she's really nice, good to talk to , miss her
Haha aw thanks x
Good looking, haven't seen or spoken to him in ages .
I'm not saying over this but it was a mutual decision..
Nicest guy, always good to talk to and always knows how to give me good advice when I'm down.. Good friend to everyone!
All really nice guys!
I'm far from spoilt, and I don't understand what your saying?
I can't be bothered sorry
That was kept between me and him
No I don't
Nah cause I have no Idea who you are!
How about you just message me!.. I'm up for a chat with however you are haha!
Haha aw thanks love
I don't know really , whoevers up for a chat
Hsha aw cute
Haha thanks xx
I guess, I'm guessing your a person from New Zealand?
Have like spoken to any but I know some, like no of them ..
Love you too GEORGE !!!
Sorry hun bit young for me
Sure do
I don't wanna say cause I'll end up leaving somebody out and then they'll get mad..
I don't know, don't really car tbh
Thankyou ❤️
Yeah sure
Okay we'll inbox me ..
Then I would be wrong.. I think you should stop worrying about what my oppinion in going to be on you if it's not who I think, please inbox me tonight because I need to talk to you too :)