Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Away. The Maldives or somewhere like that, exotic and secluded.
Both my parents are pretty equal right now...
Generally just what stupid decision I'm going to make next.
Tanika McCaughan & Abbey Maxwell. :)
Thankyou anon, I'm glad somebody isn't a complete moron...
Yes, I must be a huge rat when all I do is sit at home and read books. Such a masssssive rat.
Thnx, my aim in life is obviously to please you.
Size nun yo ****in biness.
He's my fave. He's attractive and sweet and a great person in my opinion and I don't really give two f u c k s if my friends disagree! I like him a lot and if my friends can't support that then what good are they. (Y)
I'd rather you take a long walk off a short peer because that's all you deserve.
Thnx, I like your face too
Been my friend since the day I was born. A great friend, a great mum and genuinely a great person. Logan and Amelia are lucky to have a mum as awesome as her!
Thankyou anon x x
If I could shoot you in the head, I'd contemplate ****ing you because an OK body is all you got going with a personality like a piece of **** left to rot for thousand years.
Moving away from my parents when I wasn't ready.
You can add me on facebook:
And why is that? I have never done anything to make her hate me, so that would just be ridiculous?
No ideaaaa who you are haha.
Cir***stances changed. Thats all anybody needs to know.
I think you're lovely and easy to get along with. you're super pretty and good to talk to but I would've liked to have caught up and got to know you better!
any old mustang or shelby gt's.
tell me who you areeeee
I see them everyday, they are fun and flirty. xx
You don't understand. I can't and there are reasons for that.
Thnx, my boo*s r gud xx
Until hovercrafts/boards are an everyday item.
Lovely; stunning, fabulous, funny, nice, love that we hate the same people, we have always gotten along, you have the most fabulous relationship! you're hair looks great black, and I'm jealous of your abs. :*
Never met her, but she seems lovely.
Don't understand your question...
Very very quick and then I ran away.
Never actually spoken to him in person, but he seems nice and attractive. :)
My Nanna.
My In Hearts Wake t-shirt by far!
Alright will do! Who is this might I ask? xx
I'd rather you dissapear off the face of the earth to be completely honest.
She doesn't even know me...
We are aquaintances, I have nothing against her.
Normal routine, I like change and adventure
I really don't care...
Tom Bone is my bestest friend.
I dunno, haven't really done anything weird...
Aw thanks man!
When daily questions on qooh me stop making me feel loved.
That's nobody's business.
Someone who currently hates me.
Oh your words hurt so much...
You don't know me. You're obviously one of those silly idiots that think you know people when really you don't know jack s h i t about anyone. How about getting your head out of your arse and realise there is a lot more to people than what you see at first glance. I can tell you right now that there is NOBODY, not one single person, not my family, not my friends, NOBODY that knows me, what I've been through, what I'm going through or anything else about me. Take a good hard look at yourself before calling somebody else immature, because how are you supposed to know what is and isn't mature if you are just as immature yourself? Hypocrite.
Festivals, Themeparks & traveling.
Aw, how about no...
I've only had a thing for one boy this month lol.
Because I am definitely the type of person to blurt that out on a social network site. Go away, it's none of your business.
Jess Russell yoooo
Tyson Tresize. Hahahahahahahahah.
Well saying all of this is just pointless and annoying if you don't tell me who you are.
If I don't know who you are, I'll just give up and leave you be.
Please inbox me and tell me who you are.
My favourite band by far...
It's good. A really independent environment and you don't have to worry about if you fit in or not, it's just about doing your work and getting it done.
Of high school, yes. Because the whole ****ing place is full of judgemental morons.
I go to TAFE now,
Thanks pal, I like it too! Who is this?
Aw aw aw, love you!
Aw thnx bby xx
If I'll be okay in the future.
Well if they are abusive you can easily apply for Unreasonable To Live At Home Allowance, that's what I did. Don't stay in an abusive household, get out while you can...
I actually don't even have one right now...
He's lovely, really easy to get along with and attractive.
Well that's adorable...
I've tried to stop mine numerous times.
Sure, if you tell me who you are.
You're probably just jealous that hot boys get with me xx
I'll be sure to consider your request.
Dancing, gymnastics, maths, eating healthy & being awake.
I'm so ****ed up mentally. I don't know why I do the things I do, I'm just way too scared to let people in, because I've been hurt badly in the past. So all I seem to do is hurt everyone else, just to keep myself safe. I can't handle anymore emotional damage.
I have a bad habit of pushing the good people away...
If you tell me who you are..
Okay, that's really sweet of you, but I'm sick of getting cute qooh me's and the person/s refusing to tell me who they are. :( so please just tell me who you are.
Pretty attractive, Kiss: probs Date: maybe Rate: 8
I'm *exy and I know it.
I used to be against it, but since I've become close with so many people who do it, I've seen the reasons why they do it, and realised they need support more than anything. I mean, I hate my friends being hurt, but I understand why they do it.
Sorry about that, I post so many status' out of pure boredom tbh.
I don't miss relationships. I miss being close with him, but I don't want anything more than friends.
Yeah sure, but that'll happen a lot quicker if you stop being a dipsh*t. Because then you'll realise I'm not going to waste my f u c k ing time sending myself qooh me's. You're just a hateful twat, if you hate me, that's your fkn problem, stop trying to make it mine.
No... What... :(
Exactly! But I don't need to anyway because some people are nice unlike the loser that sent me that.
Um, are you retarded and trying to get me to admit to sending myself qooh me's? Because 1. You're a liar because you can't see when you send yourself anons. 2. I don't send myself anons (an exception for my last one as I was just proving my point). Honestly, get a ****ing life. Stop being a hateful prick and realise I have tried and successfully fixed my friendships with people and not everyone hates me. Grow the f u c k up and stop trying to make peoples lives difficult you disrespectful arsehole.
Ohh, looks like you can't you stupid lying c u n t.
Well answer me this: are we or have we been close before?