Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I only moved to Israel one month ago and I'm still in all these groups so ya
Don't think so Neh
Uhm no I don't think so, tho I don't know who you are so.
Kayyy I miss you
Close your legs, no one wants to smell your
Dude I'm not lesbian lol
Lol please leave
What the actual. I don't get what you asking
Hahahahhahhhha no.
Bru stop staring. It's creeping me out lol.
Eh. Uhm message me and we can talk about this
I've been through a lot, I know how to handle things differently
Depends on your maturity levels and for you to think that if a mistake were to occur you would be able to face the consequences such as STD's or pregenancy. I myself haven't had $ex.
Don't think it's edible tho.!
Ahhh this is special. Thank you x
I'm sorry.. If I knew who you are id make sure I reply..
Hahahahahahahhaha no.
It doesn't matter.. It's in the past
3 problems with that. 1) I am a girl. 2) you are a girl. 3) no.
Woah.. Okay I'm really sorry I just don't reply to anyone but if you dm me maybe I'm pretty sure I'll reply x I am so sorry you feel like that
Not to bloc but I am going to super bass
Nah I'm fine dude
This is cuteee Ahhh thanks x
Thank you xx it's honestly my pleasure
No we didn't last. But what we had and what we have right now is special and you don't get these kind of things. Even though we not together and we went through a lot he is still one of the guy I'm most close to. Together or not, my love for him remains.
One of the closest people to me x
Don't have to be sorry. Don't concentrate on the shallow things in life.. the distance between your thighs says nothing about you
No my love is really doesn't. Your personality is not defined by how far away your thighs are from eachother. Plus if you gotta a b**ty like mine you gotta have dem thighs too because it's a combo. I would recommend you stop being obsessed with anorexia and boney figures because it is really inimporant and is wasting my time.
does it matter?
I donna ask him
I guess we both need to learn some lesson in life. I need to learn not to pay attention to people to you and where as to you my baby, you need to learn to press the anonymous button.
I love you too my angle ❤️
I am very proud.. Thank you so so much my precious angel❤️
Oh my gosh this just made my day.. You are so so right
Yes i dooo and I love it here
Dm me or message me
No but he's my favorite boy everrrrrr
You never know
Alex message me my best boyyy ❤️
Whoo is this?
Dm me x
Eh thanks
Must have given me a reason to be one boo
Ahh I've got a few. Tal, Nidoo and Uhmm Thabo
No thank you
I go to Hasharon
Please stop asking me about him. It's really none of anyone's business but ours so stop.
Ignorant? Haha thank you I guess ❤️
Woah okay this just made my day. Thank you.. I'm also really disappointed that one of our own is turned against us but I think I got my opinion through and he his.. I really appreciate this ❤️
Please leave my page ??? respectful and moderate calling me a murder ????? oh please bru
Just message me please
If this is who I think it is, please stop..
Mmm okay now you got personal. I don't take sht from sht people like you. You honestly too scared to actually dm me so you hide behind an anon button and always checking my page for a comeback so here it is, people like you. Yes people like you don't deserve my time. I don't hate Arabs. I don't hate Muslims. I don't hate anyone in this world. I love being Jewish and I'm so Zionist bru I could be prime minister. So before you call people like me a Zionist scumbags just think again boo. Because I love Israel. Im Israeli. I will be an Israeli regardless of where I am on this earth. I choose to move to this country and that was the best choice I made. So before you insult me, think again. Because not me and not anyone else I know is a person you'd like to mess with. So stop wasting yours and mines time and go send a dm to my insta and stop being a complete Retrd.
Im not getting your message bru. Please stop lying and grow a pair and realize you wrong. Kay?
I'm glad people like you love and support Israel.. We must always stand up for our countryc
No sweetheart. I'm not going to waste my time on you because obviously your judgment is poor. Next time you have issues with Israel go complain tote prime minister. I'm sure he cares what you think ? Where as I, have better things to do then to talk to a person like you.
Always a pleasure ❤️
No I think if you desperate to make a point and share your opinion that I don't give 2 craps about then go for it bru
Which is?
I'm so sure boo. Again this page to ask me questions. Not to insult my country and or religion. I love being Jewish and I love being a Jew in Israel, a feeling you'll never know of. Israel is my home and you or anything else will not insult it by the "actions" it chooses to make. If you have any further comments or facts to state honestly just dm me and get it over with.
Ahh you did some research? Well trust me we talk about this everyday at school and isis never had Israeli influence with in it.
It's been our home for over 6000 years ? What you blabbing about dawg.
Sweetstuff don't call me babe. You don't live in Israel. You have no opinion. I've seen people being stabbed, I've seen the blood stains remaining. Unless you've seen it with your own eyes and not through a screen we can go have a coffee and talk about it kay lovie?
Why don't you go to the many families that have lost people in the French attack a few days ago, or the twin tower attack, or the terrorist attacks happening outside my door step. The same people did this . You want me to show you a video of what Isis does? Because it's the same nation so brain washed with the dream that if they die killing another person they'll be with ala. please get off my page and go do something interesting like i donna go watch the news boo ? Ain't nobody got time for you.
K who ever this is, slide into my dm's. I'd like to see you open your mouth and show you how quick I'll shut it close. Israel is both my house and home so before you insult my country. Just be ready to face me cos I don't take bullsht from anyone.
It shouldn't bother you
Miss you too bby girl x
Why anon? ❤️ I guess I miss you too and I'm coming December 4th. X
Uhmmm שקט של עומר אדם it's in Hebrew
This is a bit personal but if you really wanna know my preference then dm me x
Wow okay Uhmm you need help.