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Because i love food... why else??? Derrrr
Chris and i have had lot of ups and downs i dont have no regrets. I have two beautiful children. Life could have maybe been different if i took the ither path but im happy where i am... i think i know who this is.. you know what i think of you and that hasnt and wont change. Life your life!!
Im not at all hahaha just the norm!!
Food haha... so yummmm
Savinys is $500 every day account is $200 im poor
Im not the slightest in my eyes... but when my babys where born everyone would say they look like me so must be some kind of attractiveness here somewhere coz my kids at the definition haha
Deadpool.. was great! I loved it!
Ill make sure to leave some daggers
Perfect the ways they are...
Kaitlin Williams
Im fat tamara
Hold my children!