Kumudzi kwanu nkuti paja?
Ku mzimba. Iweyo?
Do u hv a crash on me?
Du u av a crash on me?
more u luv yo self
Wud u die 4 mi? assume we r lovas!
Die 4 a luver? I wudnt do dat, no mata hu! Bt hu r u?
D0 y0u l0ve me!?
Du u luv me?
Av neva seen u face2face bt i realy follow u ndipo umandisangalatsa n am lookin fowad 2 seing u 1 day..tel m if u r open enuf 2 meet wt sm1 u av neva met b4
Hw bwt u ht ma inbox n akno hu u r?
u knw that i love u, du u love me?
I dint kno u luv me! Bt thnx! Buh hw cn i sae dat i luv anonymous? Wudn dat b weird?
Hu r u fallin 4 ryt nw?
T cn we hv adate?
Mmmh... Lol! Date wt anonymous?
Sum queries ppo r askn r bad, r u enjoyn answrin dem coz i thnk dey aim to tek u to measure(kokakuyesa)
Iwe u r quiet ryt n i gv u a thumbz up 4 dat. Ndikalimbana ndi zitsilu, chitsilu ndikhala ineyo. Khalangatiso most ov diz pple dnt kno me. angosowa chokamba. Kusowa yolowela. Thanx ey
hey ma filingz r high cn u help wit jst 1 round? u gona lyk t..
Wawona ngati ine pothesela chi bloody lust chakocho?? JS GO **** A DOG IF U DAT DESPARATE. USANDINNNYYYYASE!
R u pretty enaf 2 hangout wit me?
Hw cn i tel?
Umakonda munthu azikuchinda dogstyle zoona?
Ngati iweyo unandipangapo2 nde al hapily sae YEES
Wen r u hvin ur monthly period?
Y ask?
Wats e meanin f ur nem in English?
t minz 'hum du we rely on'
U and B r said 2 b lesbianz, r ur bf'z nt workin enuf?
B? Whch B? Lesbianz?? WTF
Guess wat am dyin 2 c u?
Oh yeah? Cam c me den
I lyk ur smile thou u r mean! cn u pliz b openhanded 2 pple?
Awh rily? Nyc thnx. Dnt thnk am dat mean buh nwaez ama try nat 2 b if i rly am!
If i wud say ur beautfl bt nt perfect n luvning wats wilb ur take?
Hv u eva tasted choccolate?
Whic style u lyk most in bed?
Eh man, dats greek 2 me. Inu yanu ndi iti?
Wen dd u lost ur virgity?
Timati 'lose' nat 'lost'! + paja nnakuwuzako kuti i lost t???
Y u alwayz lyks Be's ansa r u nt being askd urs?
Eh eh, mavuto ako ndi angati axse??? Panga zako u cnt cntrol wat i do wt ma account. Dnt intrude. Nawe uli nayo yake. Go 2 hell
Kod umazibayabe ma injectionz mu ntchafu?
Ee! Pali vuto??? Kapena umafuna ndizizibaya mmaso?
y does yo bf hav 2 face o he does when @ ve end u'l gve him?(we'l fuk) u ddnt want 2 sho hm kut ndwe wophweka?
Y dyu tek long wen u in th toilet?
Hahaha, kma iwe nantchathu, iwe ndi ine amakhalisa mu thoya ndi nda? Paja ine ndi 1nc a week, no costi! Kikiki
Hw dd u felt aftr kugwa tis mawnin? Berthaa
Ouch! Wawa! Kuthamanga kukoma, ukagwa kuwawa! Kikiki
there r claims that u scream alot in bed, do U?
Eh eh, kma iwe. Scream a lot in bed??? Zakuti zimenezo? N hu claimz? IWE WA ZAMMUTU ETI! gt a lyf
lady tj ur so mch fun! Lol...
Lol! Thnx. I luv hearin dat :D
its kul so dyu wana knw who dis z? I cn giv ya a hint...
Go ahead
hey dnt b mean! Im being as nice as possible...
Owky sary wamva
Iwe harold n mayambo kugeli unka konda nda?
Ose! BWA?
sumtymz tht takes ages, cmon! Loosen up!
Inuso nde kaya2
Am hom just enjoyn ur conver wit da anonymous dude Nyanja
Hahaha, am sho ur avn fun den. Am enjoyn t 2. Athnk he dazn av propa thngz 2 do
Wer r u
Xul? Iwe whr u at?
so atha than being scray wat else r u gud at?
Ah ah, fgur t owt axse
God luv u n He wants u 2 change, stop uzn 'n' wordz!
1st ov o, wat r 'n' wordz?
Bt i knw ---- f...d u b4!
Oho! Nde vuto ndi cha???
If den u lyk being f...d, then i deserve an invitation..wen shd i come?
Haha, ndadya njinga. Thnk am ad b dat lame 2 gt f...d by u? Js go F ur brain if ur dat desparate
hmmm...i dint know u knew hw 2 b cruel at times! Bt i respect dat answer! U amaze me at times...
Am glad dat u nw kno. Nw dats wassup
U like using de word **** on ur posts.. hw does it feel to u.. or shd i say like being f...d
Mayb i lyk bein f***d! Any problem??
dyu rily like the bunda 1st year guy, hw then u ent certain whethr u do go or nt? u dont match @ o, watchu saing abt da observation?
Actualy am goin out wt 4 1st yrz, 4 2nd yrz, 4 3rd yrz n 2 4th yrz. Meks a count ov 14 if am correct. N dnt match wt any ov dem. ANY PROBLEM?
Do u and blessings still in love
Kodi paja wev eva bin???
u say u in2 me, girl u crazy! F only u knew...
Sae wah? U thnk i wz 4 ril wen i said U? Gt a lyf. Asaid u cz athnk ts nat so necesary 4 u 2 kno hu am in2 ryt na!
there r rumours th@ u going out with a first year guy @ Bunda, can u verify or dismis this?
Verified! Dismissd!
who do u fink u r¿
Watchu thnk? I am wat u thnk i am
Ganyu bwanj madam?
Chokani apa nanu inu
Would u mynd invytng me ..to do it
Eh eh. Du wah?
How can I come b4 I know whether u can kiss me or not?
U camin here iz 4 u 2 fgur t owt urslf
R u sho then am takin dis tarmek i'l visit this z dat ok
Ok. Catch u l8r wen ur a ghost. Get ready 4 a love overdoze
Then i'l comit suicide.
Try t. Mayb al luv ur ghost dan da ril u.
Can u kiss a male 'friend'?
Cam ova n gv t an attempt, n ul gt ur answer
Du u sale freezes..?
Ayi kma kachasu
Odi! Frezes alipo?
Ah choka. Kma chibuku chilipo. Mukufuna chinga?
Lol!!! No gimmie anada chance
Mmmh, uuuu. Av i eva gven u 1 b4, wen ur sayn anada?
Wy dnt u luv whle a giv ma lyf 2 u
R u sho u gv ur whole lyf 2 me?? Mayb u gv t 2 me partialy n dats y. Hahaha
Do u have a bf?
Mhh dnt kno. Lemme find owt
What would you do if your boyfriend knew you were cheating on him?
AM I???
whts tha thng u regard urself tha best @ dudegal?.
Fgur t owt
srry abt tha 'natty' stuff,must hav cruisd,thot it wz natasha tha rudegal..so timenji,u eva bin a tom boy or perhapz ur?.
Tom boy. Hmmm, ask ma frenz
how many men have u gone around with?
Watchu thnk?
Who am i, gues? Big _
Gemme 1000 hrz 2 do so
next Q..wud u like to tag me?.
Wud u lyk me 2?
Munakumanano ndi Desire mphande?
Dnt thnk i evn kno ds person. Unless athawize
evr askd ur self reasonz why u hated tha most natty?.
Yeah. N i got da answer! Em hataz wna b lyk MOI
Why does ya profile say u in a relationship wit a fellow gal?
Kusewela. Bwa? U cn do u t 2!
why arent u da person who u z sppzd to b?.
Ever loved b4 ('lov')?
Nop. Bt hated da most
wat do u lyk abt urself?
Du u lyk tht dude u wer wth last nyt? Berthaa
I lyk u beta
A u really da person u wantd 2b?
Adnt thnk so
heard u went out with Leonard Mndala
SAAAAY WAH??? anakunamiza anakuwuzayo
Du u thnk this kama 'sauzande' guy z crzy?
Eish m0 dan crazy itself. Lol
last tym u have *ex?
Dnt scare ME
who's ur first love??
Me 1st luv? Hmmm, lemme thnk. Eish, dere lots
Wa sporta ko kenakake?
Ahh no. Ine bola KUDYA
Do you have a true bestfriend?
*TRUE* best frend? I dnt kno
Are you in that red dress of yours
I wsh i wz bt i js left t at da laundry sm 5 minz ago
Do u luv me
I dnt evn wsh 2. Hahaha
Do you have a boyfriend?
I prefer sugar daddiez. Ahahahaha
Hu z th persn nxt to u?
Wz thnkn ts U
Have you ever kissed a girl?
Ummi, lemme check in ma recordz 1st. Al cam bak 2 u.
Y dyu lyk takn pictures o' urslf?
Hell yeah! 2 c wat pple min wen dey sae am beautiful. N 2 c wat pple min wen dey sae am ugly! Lolest
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Me meslf i
Wat rly mex u sad?
Dat al leav nva 2 c ma beloved dad anymo :'(
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
Dat i wz pregnant wen i wazn. Hmmm, dats pplez favouryt. Mayb al soon b. LMFAO
Who are you dating currently
Meslf. Lol