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Samsung galaxy s3
No mistakes. At the time it was exactly what I wanted, even if it was quite a *****y thing to do. :)
Yes, lol.
Nope, I wouldn't go back, ever. He's an ex for a reason. :)
Oh woah, that's great to know.
I don't know who you are, but okay anon.
Okay, if you say so.
'Love' is a strong word, don't throw it around. Who are you?
Uh, what?
I seem to go for players cause I'm a ****ing idiot. :')
Well that's just a tad cute. :)
Hug, Caitlyn B, Kiss, Connor...
I'm goood, you? :)
Woah, calm down bud.
Haven't got many thoughts on him, he goes alright I guess.
Aw, thank youu. x
Sure do..
You're not annoying me or holding me back at all silly, you're a great friend to have and I miss you tons! :) x
Mikayla; Known her for almost forever, probably the longest friendship I've ever had, such a great girl! Allison; 'Stretch', I miss the girl to death, i'd do anything to actually be the way we used to be. Brittany; We've had our rough patches and I know we won't ever be as close again but she was a great friend to have, a true friend for sure! All three are stunning and deserve the best in life, miss them all! x
Depends what mood I'm in, I'll listen to anything that doesn't involve Taylor Swift. :)
Yes they do, & I'm not sure, ahhaah.
For me to know and you to neverrrrr find out.
A letter obviously,
A couple nights agoo.
Forgiving people too easily and letting them walk all over me.
Used to be really close, actually don't know what even happened between us though, he's a great guy, always there for me even if we haven't been talking that much, miss him tons.
Too much to write, let's just go with; Connor is fab. ;)
If I hurt him that much he wouldn't have said half the stuff he said then move on a week later. :)
Because I'm sick of being the nice one that always gets treated like ****. :)
Thank you lovely. :)
What boyfriend? Aha..
If you wanna know, inbox me, i'm not gonna put it all over here. All i'm gonna say is people change.
She's fabuloussssss.
Jason, Toby, Aria and Alison. Too hard to choose out of those four.
The book theif.
What boyfriend? lol. It's Niall* & probs jack.
Hahahha, okay.
Some stupid *****.
It's Dayne. & no, I've been with him almost every day, and the days I'm not with him, I'm at work or with family or friends.
Lij had a tour, one of the concerts were in Melbourne so myself and a friend went and stayed back an extra 2 hours to get photos taken. :)))
He's been with me almost everyday, I'd love to know when he apparently 'cheated'.
That's nice, shove your opinion up your as*.
I'd probably freak out.
Ilys. xx
Good for you, his mine so back the **** off, thanks. :)
1, I don't know who you are. 2, I have a boy friend. 3, I don't want to. :)
I'm quite good thank-you, yourself?
Nah, I'd rather not. Soz.
Nope, soz. Out of stock.
Make up, concerts and piercings!
I don't even know who you are, but okay then.. I guess you have your own opinion.
Soz, I don't kiss and tell.
My sister, boyfriend and his two other friends.
Doesn't bother me.
1 1/2 hours
I have no idea.
Aw, thank you! <3 xx
In no order, Daynneo Connor Zac Nathan Rayford.
Look at a spider.
A personnnnnnn.
Great guy, good to talk to and yeah.
That exams are annoying. :)
I don't know, aha.
Just do it.
The day only just started.. So none.
I don't know, because people are stupid?
Aw, I'm really not. But thank you! :) <3
Omg. Their name annoys me as much as their laugh, so I'm not gonna go there.
My auntie, grandparents and cousin.
Nathaniel Willemse. jksfhagjfa. :*
Never been given it from anyone else, I'm always the one giving advice.
We die?
There's no need to thank me, at all, it's true. Every single one of you have been there for me through thick and thin, you've all seen me at my worst and my best. If anything I should be thanking all of you for everything you have all ever done for me. :) x
I bet you probably don't even know the group of friends I have. I hang out with them because they are REAL friends, they've been the ones that have helped me through everything. The ones that I've come back to and they're still supporting me. They don't cause trouble and I bet they're a lot better than what you are, if anything they're better than me not the other way around. I honestly couldn't care about "hot" guys, they come and go.
It's being delivered, your unicorn will be arriving very soon. Give it a few years.
I'm far from perfection, trust me. But thank you anyway. :) x
No one at the moment.
Yes, I actually do miss him. & if he was up to it, i guess I would.
Good kid, old school friend, good to talk to & yeah.