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and I'll do the best I can to answer it .
Hey beautiful. . . lol cant believe this thing is still exists
Bringin it back frm the dead
The chapies rapper. . It contains information inside. . Lol jokin. . . Its eminem
We al got difrent stylz. So it dependz on da listner wich style he/she feelz da mst.
My calendar. . . Duhhh!!!
I dnt lyk anonymous ppl
#Shocked# therz sumthn wrng wth my neck.!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its lovley thanx and urz?
Lol mxm nawe criture
1. No. . He duz hs thng i do myn
2. His dope i guese. .
3. We aint compitin for nufin so No.
4. i thnk i speak for both of us wen i say We aint got tym for dat. Its kynda useles
5. Ths anonymous is thng startin 2get borin nw
"Wats lois my killer". . . Lol im dope dawg
Nah he kynda fel "short" lol just kiding. He decided hs owt. So i geus not
I cnt c da futer :(
Im back. !!!!!! The beat is 2 sick. And da chorus damn. Homey went al owt da. . .
Lol uv heard bwt us bt u dnt knw wat we do. . . We a rap crew
Red. By game :)
Lol . . Me and her r friendz . Kanti y evritym im wth a grl u always say i want her. . . And no i dnt want her
Im a boss [rozay voice]
Wel anythin thats fun. . Friends. Entertainment. But most expecialy quality tym wth my fam
Im wat u want me 2be :)
Lol i thnk i knw who u r
There curently are 3 of us wich is me reggie and supreme(vonizy) wich make g-force then anada 2 of our friends mel e(melusi) and l.o.z (irvin).
Thanks for ure opinion. Highly apriciated :)
Lol nah. We just hommiez
Firstly she must nt be da silent type. . .(they s*ck) . Secondly she must be adventurous lol nt always indorz. . . And wel she must hav gud looks .
None. . . I dnt date ugly chicks.
Thanx anonimous. And im nt sure bt soon
Ofcos. Gota shine da G-FORCE WINGZ
Futsek. . .nxa
Coz ur anonymus. . .
Gota hear wat u got 1st
He waz crying on valentinez day. . . Never saw him
Thnx. . .
Coz if i rapd slow id bore yal
Therz no chick owt of my legue. . . We al in P.S.L
Dependz on whoz da gal
Dependz wich 1 u tawkn bwt. Tamza is the abriviation of thabiso and nyosi. . . Wel i got stung by a bee at my 1st day in a new school. [N.p.s]
Smart, smart and smart
Non curently