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I was with a girl and we were laughing, having a good time and then we went to bed and cuddled together. And then when she left i cried because it was a dream in a dream and then when i actually woke up i was crying more.
Do i have to say there name? I meam, we have broken up now and she doesnt talk yo me anymore so..m a friend? Idk. Crush on her? Big ****ing time.
Loyalty. **** money.
Losing the people i love and care about the most
Anything thats black
A **** personality
It doesnt freak me out, it is the only quick way of me to talk to my girlfriend as well as half of my friends that dont live here in albury.
I was going to, but i need proper **** to do that.
Being in a well known band or making video games
In a house with a wife and kids.
By being a **** apparently.
Rightio. Oh and, btw, if you want to say something like that, say to me in person or not anonymously because that just makes you a lowlife. But, even if you had the chance you wouldnt say it anyway because clearly you are to weak to say something to someones face so you have to say were you are to scared to show who you are. Well, have a good day :)
When did I ever say I hated it??
World of sacrifce - black veil brides
Am I faking if the doctors have said I have it? No. I dont think so. And tbh. If you dont ****ing like what I post, then **** off. Simple as that.
Um. No. Thats disgustiong on so many levels. And for the love of god, go see a doctor... And BTW, if you are gonna say something like this, why hide yourself?? Oh, because you dont wont people to know who you are?? I dont know who you are but i could take a wild guess at who it is. Now, if you wouldn't mind, stop being a disgusting little **** and go get help. Oh, and to answer the first part, would it matter if i have or not?? No, i havent, would i? Idk, maybe. But that doesnt have anything to do with you. Just cause you dont like it doesnt mean you take it away from someone else.
Lol. Pretty sure we all know who that was xD
To be themselves
I didnt say they went to ****.
Um. Thank you. I kinda stand up for not just myself but for others and for equality. And I dont know you nor wsnt to **** you. I have a girlfriend and im not cheating on her. And I cant inbox you because I dont know who you are.
Well actually im pan*exual and I have a girlfriend. So sorry, I cant. But there arebother people out there and plus I dont know who you are so, just inbox me??
Thank you?? But everything thats great starts off **** first and gets better
Minions. .
Defs gotta be the lead singer I mean, he is so hot ;) (****ing jokes of course) Idk actually. They are all good at what they do, and they are all my fave equally.
Sure. Inbox me and ill give it to you ;)
Mym. Dad can go die in hell.
Sing in the band im in and try and just find a job that gives me money.
I used to sometimes.
I'm batman
Andy biersack, mitch lucker, freya lawson, chloe leehane, nikki coutts-smith, will coleman...and many more
A ****ty personality.
People, love, the internet, spiders, snakes, a lot more.
Loving someone that tells you they l9ve you when the actually love someone else...or not being good enough for anybody.
All of them...I woukd take a bullet for wveryone no matter who it is. Even if it is someone that hates me. Id take one for a bully, id take one for a bad person, id take one for everyone.
Nope. Love is a scraed thing. You could spend money on a date for someone you love, yes, but you cant give someone miney in order for them to love you.
1) im ugly 2) im skinny
Ending my life and what would happen if I didnt even exist.
The fact that the person im in love with doesnt want to he with me and doesnt talk to me or doesnt want to see me at all.
Lol that is true. Haha <3 so thank you betch for turning me pan :D
I love them. Im a pan*exual my self, which means I love someine heart no matter their *ex. But I reapect them as long as they respect me. If one gay hates on me I wont hate on them all, just that one person.
Neither of them.
I want a daughter for sure. Im not sure why but I awould love to have a daughter. If I had a son I would treat him just as well, but id prefer a daughter. So about 1 or 2 kids maybe. It all kinda depends on how many the misses wants whoever it may be at the time.
They don't act crazy when i do.
Half of the gay people in the world are nice. If a gay person murders or fornicates or some other sin against the commands or breaks a law, then yes, he should be disrespected, but just because a group of gays do it doesn't mean they all should suffer the consequences.
God excepts all those who not do wrong, and wrong is getting married to the same *ex because of love?? Im sorry but when was love a sin?? It isn't and never has been nor will it ever be.
The sin is the act of two men getting married?? Its not the end of the world, its a simple marriage the same way as if a man and woman were to get married.
No one
I wouldnt kill myself for a million dollars, because then i wouldnt get it :/
If a homo perosn was to be rude against Christains then you have every right, but most of them arent rude. In fact they are the nicest people on the planet and that i know is a fact.
Jessie :D
My friedns dont like me being bi*exual and try and move me out form being it because its against there teaching.
The church ses Homo*exuality as two people of the same *ex living together and not being able to producde a baby into the world and have intercourse. Gays dont always have intercourse, in fact half them are with the same *ex because because they LOVE them.
Yeah okay, true. But then why do Catholics discriminate against gays a lot more then they do against anyone else?
Everything. Love. Life. All of it.
They can stand up for what they belive. But ill stand up for what i belive in to. All i ask from catholics and chirstains, or anyone hating on gays, treat us the same one you treat one of your own. YOu treat catholics with respect, yet you treat gays with disrespect. Everyone should be treated respectfully the same. Poeple who do bad in the world EG: Pedo's, murder's, etc, fair enough. Hate on them if you will, but gays do nothing wrong yet people want to get rid of them like its the end of the world. Im sorry, but no. We do nothing to harm catholics or christains, yet they hate on us. Fair enough if we molested a child or raped someone or killed someone, fair enough. But not allowing gay marrige, its not freaking world war 3, its a marriage jsut like a man and woman gets married but with the same *ex. I dont see whats wrong with it. (BTW, all the spelling mistakes, im so sorry. I did it in a rush)
I go to a religious catholic school and people there hate on me because I'm bi*exual just because their church and "god" said no to gays. But actually, he didn't say anything about gays. I can't be who I want to be because it doesn't suit their standards and needs.
Im bi*exual and i support it. There's nothing wrong with gay people or bi*exual people. No matter who or what you are, everybody deserves to be treated with respect.
Lachie, will, Callum, josh,
While your at it kill me as well
Lol yes
Im not sure. Cant choice between "You only live once by suicide silence" and "Real girls eat cake by janoskians" thanks to Jesse -_-
My sister "Is 1 bigger then 3?"
The ability to save the world or the ability to be a better person.