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Tannah Aldworth


Don’t be shy

130 Replies

Why are people so mean to you all the time. Im sorry for all the hate you get and how people are mean. They are just jealous and have nothing better to do. So sorry

Lmao I don’t get a lot of hate but thank you ?

Tansie_ replied 2378 days ago

U into black boys?

Wel since I dated one, yes.

Tansie_ replied 2387 days ago



Tansie_ replied 2389 days ago

So if a guy walks up to you while you were out somewhere and complimented on how hot af you are and out of the blue ask you no string attached would you let me go down on you. What would you say?

That’s disgusting.

Tansie_ replied 2390 days ago

Best thing in a guy ?

His smileee and personality

Tansie_ replied 2391 days ago

Do u where makeup

no, but I do *wear makeup

Tansie_ replied 2394 days ago

You’re intimidating in real life

Lmao sorry about it, just have my guard up around new people

Tansie_ replied 2398 days ago

Fav song?

Mood by Carlos Hanson although it’s usually post malone?

Tansie_ replied 2400 days ago

Boyfriend ?

What is that lmao (no I’m single)

Tansie_ replied 2400 days ago

Do you smoke crack ?

ONLy smoking I do is cooking.

Tansie_ replied 2400 days ago

How do you take so nice photos ??

Lmao thank you! Most of them are spontaneous: “ooh this looks pretty” or my friends will tell me when I look nice and when a photo opportunity comes up??‍♀️❤️

Tansie_ replied 2400 days ago

Would you be open to be degreened by a tongue?

This doesn’t even make sense ?

Tansie_ replied 2400 days ago

You’re beautiful inside and out ?

Thank you, person I’m sure I know, you probably are too!❤️❤️

Tansie_ replied 2400 days ago



Tansie_ replied 2405 days ago

Insta name tylin.clark

How’d you find me then lmao ?? @tannah_aldworth

Tansie_ replied 2405 days ago