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Hmmm probably when I went with my friends to see the hobbit, and we kept mucking around xD people were getting pissed off
Probably those tiny prickles in the grass that you can't see! I always stand on them!
The day I slept for 14 hours ^_^
Hmmmmmm...... Steve Carell.
A figment of my imagination xD
I think people get way too worked up over it. They treat it as something that EVERYONE should have, and people just get too interconnected with it.
Someone who is really lovely, and takes the time to know what is going else in someone elses life that day :) AND A SUPER AWESOME DRAWER
Other people.
Hmmm, well I have a lot of good guy buddies, so Alex, Ethan, Jacob and some other guys :)
Everything that I feel like buying. :3
Umm, well I've only been on one date, and that was ages ago :( So it was good I guess.
Umm about ten minutes I guess
This is probably Paige :D
Depends on who it is, but mainly yes.
I don't really hate any countries but if I were to choose one it would be America, because I hate how SOME people are over there.
Are you single? Nahhhh jk probably what do you do?
Blue Shirt and shorts
Probably no one you know :D
I am GOOD :)
Ummm, pretty eyes, playing an instrument and having a good personality.