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Tarj Johnson


Just do it ✔

469 Replies

What's your favourite word or phrase ?


Tarjjohnson replied 3645 days ago

Would you travel to Mars if you knew you cannot come back?


Tarjjohnson replied 3646 days ago

The last thing you bought ?

Tarjjohnson replied 3648 days ago

What is your nickname ?

Fat coont

Tarjjohnson replied 3658 days ago

The problem isn't the school, it's you. Drouin is a way better school that people think, the only reason people don't like it is because they don't get along with the teachers and students. Just be respectful, it's not even bad.

Exactly. I have the problem. Its my fault that I'm this way so id rather that people dont try and tell me what's best for me when yous dont have a ****ing clue! If that's your opinion, so be it. Just because I think different to you doesn't mean I'm wrong, nor does it mean I'm right. I'm just saying that I hate Drouin and it makes me depressed.. Being there just, I don't know, I don't like it but that's my opinion so..

Tarjjohnson replied 3658 days ago

Tarj there is no way for them to make it **** for you at regional, it's not like drouin where the teachers don't do **** and the kids are feral.
regional is so much better for your education and social life. School is about your education.

I know its about my education. But I'm not going to get a good one if the people around are just going to try and bring me down. Then ill just stop going to school. Thats what happened at Drouin last year and the year before that, that's why i have a bad report and couldn't get into Pakky. Its because of my attendance mainly and because I'm not as smart I should be in year 9. But I'm just going to try and go to school and do my work so I can move out of that **** hole called Drouin secondary college

Tarjjohnson replied 3660 days ago

Dream holiday destination ?


Tarjjohnson replied 3660 days ago

tarj you make friends so easily at regional, the teachers help you out heaps and no one even talks about you there. as if people would give you **** at regional. move to regional Pakky is literally the worst place you could go..

Pakky didn't accept me anyway.. Well they kinda did but said I'd have to repeat year 8 and not go into year 9 which is where I'm meant to be. Heaps of people at regional hate me, I know they do so I don't really wanna go there if I'm just going to get ****.

Tarjjohnson replied 3660 days ago

What are you allergic to?


Tarjjohnson replied 3675 days ago

Tarj regional is a blast. Pakky you will regret, think about your decision because regional is a great school! xx

Not many people like me there though. It'll be **** because i won't have anyone and I don't want that. Pakky will be a fresh start and I only know like 2 people there

Tarjjohnson replied 3675 days ago

Are you moving to regional like you said you were going to?

Not anymore, didnt want to go there so now I'm going to go to Pakky

Tarjjohnson replied 3676 days ago

Lamborghini or Ferrari?

Chicken moof

Tarjjohnson replied 3685 days ago

Honest thoughts on tori

To long to write

Tarjjohnson replied 3688 days ago

Name anyone you dated in the past ?

Lol nah

Tarjjohnson replied 3689 days ago

What is your biggest success up until now?


Tarjjohnson replied 3692 days ago