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Ask me anything you like anonymously

191 Replies

Your father's name?

Chloe Sloman

Tash222 replied 3842 days ago

Top 4 girls in class

Chloe ash Amy ms MAx

Tash222 replied 3866 days ago

Top 4 in class

Chloe Amy ash Aaron

Tash222 replied 3875 days ago

who is the *exist person alive???

Chloe sloman

Tash222 replied 3890 days ago

how do you pronounce your last name?


Tash222 replied 3915 days ago 2

187 clomo3000

Hunny I love you

Tash222 replied 3915 days ago

What boy would you like to get to know much better?

Mr pantelios

Tash222 replied 3929 days ago 4

Top 5 hottest year 7&8 guys at mck?

Year seven no one is very hot really Year eight Nicko Luke Bailey I don't know who else

Tash222 replied 3929 days ago

What are you wearing right now?

My pjs

Tash222 replied 3929 days ago 1

One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?


Tash222 replied 3933 days ago

silly girl u eat crumpets toasted

Sorry if I offended you

Tash222 replied 3934 days ago

If you met Nelson Mandela what would you have told or asked him?

That he was an amazing man and changed the world for the better That he Sian imspiration to everyone and that he will always be remembered for the special man of who he was God bless you Mandela

Tash222 replied 3940 days ago

What is missing in your life?

Sebastian - Carrie diaries

Tash222 replied 3940 days ago 1

Top 3 besties xx

Ahh can't choose have more then three

Tash222 replied 3943 days ago

If u were going to date a guy in yr7 who would it be

At msc? No one

Tash222 replied 3943 days ago