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Askk me anything f**s xx

31 Replies

Who do you envy and why ?

no one.

TasharnaAimee replied 3569 days ago 1

Who told you they loved you last

My boyfriend.

TasharnaAimee replied 3572 days ago

Who's your bestfriend

Tayla skye bould

TasharnaAimee replied 3591 days ago 1

sleeping with sirens are alright I guess,
Like not really kinda,
Mostly not. Deaks707

Haha funny bruz farkkk i dnt listen to them no more, remember ya put me off themm xD

TasharnaAimee replied 3591 days ago

People should leave tash the **** alone! And you tell her to "pull her winter skirt out of her ****in arse" when really you need to be pullin the diick out of ya ****in arse so **** off and keep Ya unwanted opinions to your self!

Thankyew xxx <3

TasharnaAimee replied 3613 days ago

Close friend that you lost and miss

Tayla Skye Bould

TasharnaAimee replied 3614 days ago 1

Your such an annoying little shaank! Your also a ****in whoore! Who needs to pull her winter skirt out of he fuucking asss! You pathetic lil biitch! And by the way your not wanted at drouin, go back to pakky you rat

Haha thanks hun but everyone likes me there x

TasharnaAimee replied 3614 days ago

How often do you stuff your bra

Never wtf?

TasharnaAimee replied 3614 days ago

Where do you want to live when you older?

Near a beachh

TasharnaAimee replied 3706 days ago

Why did u shove Maddi in science. She didn't do anything to u Madi.Ruppell

HAHA travis she already told me it was you and because she was throwing paper at me so think again was it worth it because i think it was a B i t c h like her needs a shoving and i can do whatever the f u c k i want alright so keep your b i t c h y a s s out of it k thanks

TasharnaAimee replied 3706 days ago 1

Who are you modeling for?

One of my mums friends Agency's

TasharnaAimee replied 3721 days ago

The most expensive item you own?

My hair

TasharnaAimee replied 3730 days ago

Thought on Brittany Forrest

Wonderful girl always there for me i would do the same for her she is my best friend wouldnt trade anything for her she has stuck by me through thick and thin and i love her to bits, she has always made me laugh when i am upset and she has gave me some really good advice.

TasharnaAimee replied 3730 days ago 1

What do you like about the person you dating?

Well im actually single at the moment so i wouldnt have a clue, but what i look on guys is someone thats a real gentleman is always there for you has a good personality and is attarctive

TasharnaAimee replied 3735 days ago

Thoughts on Madi Ruppell?

We have had ups and downs but she is really pretty and would like to get know her a bit more

TasharnaAimee replied 3735 days ago