Hi you're really pretty?
Can i please have your number?
Dm me🖤🥀
I'm very grateful for my best friend like you
Damn..now this is just memories
Considering You hate me now😹🤙🏼💔
You look very cute ?
Thank u?
You have beautiful eyes
Thank u?
What school do you go to?
How's the cat??
I need a new one..mine is broken??
Who did you have a crush on at your old school?
Tbh no one?♀️?
Snapchat username?
Taskeen.essop I think?
Rude bish???but still best friends???
Hi Zaidyy??
Hey b it's ur best friend and u should know who I am or there will be consequences b??#my bdays soon (by the way I just gave u my identity but yeah???) how old are u?
Oof??zaid or Ahmed? I'm just going to let you guess my age??
I love your personality
Thank you??
You are so beautiful
Thank you?
I'm thirsty?
Go drink water?♀️
are you and raees mayet a thing?
His my closest friend?
You're too fcking hot.
Thank u??
It's me zaid by the way hiiii
Hey bestie?
Tf is hatin on mah sister?idiots y'all aint got anything gud to say dont say it at all?buh i mean like why would y'all have something bad to say abt her shes taskeen an incredible human?❤
Best friend..❤
Is there somthing I should know?
Depends..who are u?
I really like you
Can we go out??
Bruhh.. I don't even know who u are..Dm me so we can be friends.?
Why dont you come to school ??
Btw im not from your school you just alwyas on Insta so i guess you dont go to school
Why don't you go to school**
Hey Taskeen . I think you’re super sweet , honestly everyone deserves a friend like you . I admire your courage and willingness not to give up in the face of any obstacle . Keep doing you baby girl , you’re amazing ?
This is honestly soo sweet..I love this thank you. Please dm me??
Wow. Your hott??
Thx I guess??
Are you and Raees dating??
Me and mayet are just friend..??
Do you miss your old school☺
Not really but I miss the people in it?