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atleast now u know i dnt do my age boys sorry!!!And they intresting somethng dat u do not have obviously....
Not you obviously......Iam single!!
uhmmm what did you see that u liked????
ahh my *exy legs to dIe fOr!!!Luv them Not forgetting my luscious Lips dey do magic
uhmmm u knw with gals u neva knw I dnt trust as much as I did but got extremely close friends!!
Sensetive But CrAzy and LovinG
Uhmmm dat would have nothing to do with you!!!Even if I did why be concerned??????
Ask him
Yeah I Dnt MiNd BuT DePeNds wU It iS.....And my hook-ups haVe LiMiTs!!
I've heard alot of them....but i dnt care becoz dey wuldnt make my life any betta!!
Uhmmm fifi from my hood then ive got very close friends from skwl
Uhmmm...Whats that got to do with u
Lmao uhmmmm No
No I dnt do love at this moment ive been hurt badly so for now iam kul hey