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Ask away ??

468 Replies

What quote do you live by?

if it’s meant to be it will and if it’s not it won’t

TayTayxoxo replied 2509 days ago

Who do you hate the most

hates a strong word

TayTayxoxo replied 2523 days ago

What are you afraid to admit you don't understand?

i’m not afriad to admit it but boys i don’t understand at all TBH

TayTayxoxo replied 2536 days ago

What do you never trust?

new people

TayTayxoxo replied 2550 days ago

uh so what happened between you and rheegan ?

msg me, it doesn’t need to be out on the internet tbh

TayTayxoxo replied 2550 days ago

What's one thing you wish you could do differently in your life

Make less mistakes

TayTayxoxo replied 2563 days ago

What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?

Fidget spinners ?

TayTayxoxo replied 2563 days ago

Last song you listened to ?

Fake smiles- phora

TayTayxoxo replied 2585 days ago

What do you no longer waste time on?

Fake friends

TayTayxoxo replied 2593 days ago

What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?

Twitter? It's boring as fck

TayTayxoxo replied 2601 days ago

What do you need to get off your chest right now?

A lot of things idk ??‍♀️

TayTayxoxo replied 2606 days ago

The secret to a good friendship is... ?

Trust, loyalty and humour

TayTayxoxo replied 2613 days ago

What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?

When they have sht that other people don't have

TayTayxoxo replied 2621 days ago

What was your biggest waste of money?


TayTayxoxo replied 2625 days ago

Have you ever been dared to drink water/soda before a long bus/car trip?

Lol probs not ? ?

TayTayxoxo replied 2630 days ago