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Ask Me things(: x

72 Replies

wot hapnd b e twn u an beau


Taylah123456 replied 4350 days ago

why do you pretened to be osheanas friend when you talk shi* about her all the time

I dont.

Taylah123456 replied 4350 days ago

u fink u rewl kapiti primary but reli no 1 lyks u ur up ur selfies i pw333ty shore marino jenkins has a gf ive heard stof abwt u bak ovvv


Taylah123456 replied 4350 days ago

y do u go owt wief evry boiiiz u c

I dont.

Taylah123456 replied 4350 days ago

Your not a slu* and all that shi* people are kalling yhue your a beautiful ..awesome uhmm kwel chick haha dont listen to dem..xxxx

Thankyou heaps xox

Taylah123456 replied 4351 days ago

what about leilani?x

Shes cool haha we were quite close in 2011 Hehehe miss her heaps xoxox

Taylah123456 replied 4351 days ago

why do you s*ck Dic*?

I'm not that kind of person.

Taylah123456 replied 4351 days ago

why you giving people the answer " cause I can " is it because you dont got a good answer for being a slu* ?

Look, I don't need your shi* at the moment i don't really give a f*** about what you think, I suggest you back off please.. I'm begging you, Please just leave me alone.

Taylah123456 replied 4351 days ago

honest opinon of Lani?(;xx

Best chick out shes funny and pretty and also cool to haaang with xox

Taylah123456 replied 4352 days ago

Heeyheey ,yaahpretty <3 xxxx Laaani_81

Thankyooou<3 xxxx

Taylah123456 replied 4352 days ago

and your watching disney channel :DDDDD

Haha You know it :D

Taylah123456 replied 4352 days ago

ever tasted ***?


Taylah123456 replied 4352 days ago

y0u fink ur th h0tt3$t b!tch 0wt but r3@lly ur n0t $0 $t0p @ct!ng l!k3 !t


Taylah123456 replied 4352 days ago 1

Thoughts on Aimee???x(:

She be in love with Nathan Hiriwani x

Taylah123456 replied 4352 days ago


pretty cool nicce and fun to hang with

Taylah123456 replied 4352 days ago