Would it be dog for cane to go out with Beth now
No way
Who do u think shld date in year 8
Have u and meme ever had an argument?? BTW U AND TOM R GOALSSSS???
No Amelia and I have never had a argument/fight and thank you xoxoxoox
I love you
I love you too
Who should date in year 7
Idk any of the year 7s
do you like sarah?
Which one??
Who do people always say you look like?
Do u know me xx I love u
Nah I don't know who you are but anyways x
Will you marry me
who even is this
do you like Bethany?
yes! Love her
Love you baby ❤️
Love you too hunny bun xo
Tbh Grace T
love her and miss her so much. Very nice and pretty and Great at basketball x
does brodie like amelia?
Not sure, probably
Should Beth and Gooda go out?
up to them
Should Chloe and lachie go out again ? I do because they were so cute
yeah up to them
Are Amelia and Brodie going out?
Should Oscar and Caitlin go out
yeah if they like each other
Name the two most cutest couples who need to date
Ummm Caitlin and oscar/ Sam and Beth
Who should go out in year seven
If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which would you choose?
Home and awayyyyyyy
Who should hutch date
ummm Idk ? who he likes?
am I your best friend? :)
if I knew who you were then probably yes ?
i love you
I love you too xo
Who should Beth date
Who should Charlie h date?
who are your friends in 7d and 7e?
umm there's a few/ Chloe, Charlotte, Sarah, cane, gooda, rhi, ebony, Ellie, oscar, Freya, Zoe and others
who should brodie go out with?
Is Sam Gooda a legend
Major legend !!!!!
who should your best friends date?
Who they like ?
who are your most trusted friends??
They know who they are
who should go out in year 7 ??
Beth/Gooda, ebony/Charlie, Bella/lachie, Amelia/cane,
most trusted friends?
They know who they are ??
love you so much xxxx
love you too ❤️
Tbh Chloe Arton
Midget 101??
It's Caitlin xxxxxxxx
Love you too babe xx
Who should date in year 7 @flinders
Zoe/dino, Amelia/cane, Beth/Brodie
tbh bethany :) love you babe xx
funniest person ever!!! Love her so much great at netball and basketball hahah sport ??? very pretty and great personality
tbh sarah ??
I'm guessing this is Sarah from school?? Love her so much can trust her a lot and she's so pretty and amazing at bball
lovvvvveeeee youuuuu ???
you too ???
Tbh Chloe
Love her so much xoxoxoxoxo
What do u think of Bella wales.....??
Love her so much ?? haha we have our secret words ?????
Top 10 prettiest girls @ flinders
too many to name! Way more then 10 xx
Will u miss ebony?
Yeh she's my ebo the pedo x
ily forever
Ily too forever xo
you are AMAZING
aww thanks you're probs amazing too xx
who do you wish you were still close to?
Keely xx
want it to go back to how it used to be
omg who is this! Send me a msg then if you want it to go back how it used to be then
I wish we were best friends
Who is this?
What happen with .......
Thank you x
Who should be a couple?
Ebony and brodie
Tay Tay walshie
Hey bella
Do you think Bethany giblett is in love with Mitchell baker? I think she is what a btch
Haha I don't know
who's your best friends?
my chixxxxxx
is amelia going out with brodie?
No way
Top 3 bestfriends
You you and you
I love you :))
I love you toooooo xx
Name ur 5 best friends
I have more than 5!
who are you best friends that you've been friends with for years?
Since kinda?? keely
hey it's Jeff do you remember me
omg yes
Is Mitchell baker a cool kid?
who five of your best friends?
I have more then five but they know who they're
Is there any one you like at your school?
yeah haha
Iove you more than anyone eles bæ(poop in French) and I love grace aswell. Guess who this is
Charlotte r xx
Miss u soo much
you to! Who's this xx
Thoughts on tralee Monaghan TraleeMonahan
Well she doesn't even know how to spell her last name ;)
Hi this is Tom I am trying to use this thing
Who do u like ? :)
Tbh on Ebony Permazel?
Perfect girl love her so much xoxox
Thoughts on the new year 7's?
yeah there good !
Tbh on bridget harland?
really nice and pretty :-))
I like you ~ and I'm in your class
Well I like you to!
Why won't u accept @libbyhmorris u know me I met u with amelia I'm her really close friend
Oh right that's you soz haha
Hey I was just asking what happend between you and your friend charlee? Have you had a fight? Sorry but you guys don't seem the same
Nothing happened haha who is this? We are bæs :)
Why do you keep blocking molleighlane_ on instagram?
Don't even know her
Gummy bears with glasses! Guess who ❤️
Haha Tristan?
What is your nickname ?
Walshy or walshanator
I miss you so much we should catch up soon !
I probably miss you to! Who's this x
Hey It's Tristan I got an account too hey Tayla trissy_lewis
Okay :))