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Harry Potter
I am always thinking about Harry Potter and cheeseburgers.
I'm not the bad person he plays me out to be.
Hahah good on you, keep doing it then so I don't have to ?
Uh? I don't? Haha
A million things but I can't.
You haven't seen it so you wouldn't know haha
My daughter and partner
It would defeat the purpose if I shared it now wouldn't it?
He didn't become a crazy ex. He was always crazy.
Confidence but not too much that your a dck.
Not that I can think of
Who is this?
To make myself and my family happy and proud.
Last year, because my daughter was born ? But every year is out doing the last so far ❤️
My daughter ?
I don't know who this is but I'm sure I miss you too
My daughter and the motivation to be a better person she gives me.
Probably not
I don't think looks are important but your soul defines you. I have a good soul I personally think that makes me attractive.
The fact that I forgive too easily, I wish I was a tough nut.
A certain person.
Yes, I would fck me
Oh Jesus, nvm man. I don't feel like chatting anyway sorry
The number I gave you
I prefer text, I just woke up
Only that I didn't get maccas for dinner ever night
That's a hard question to answer. I'd like to change society and the impact it has on youth, it saddens me deeply that people can't feel confident about themselves because of possible judgement.
Don't know. Isn't that how relationships start?
My daughter.
Your* tonight*
I just want to be alone.
$5 haha
I don't have a biyfriend but thank you for the compliment ❤️ I'm not looking for any kind of relationship at this time though, sorry!
bith actually depends on the occasion ?
Not telling ?
Wouldn't you like to know ??
I plan on studying for the next couple of years then probably buy my own house. Friends wise I hope to keep in contact with all of them and just going to wing my love life haha so far it's been good ?
Oh why thank you :)
I have one biological daughter and two very beautiful step children that I consider to be my babies, no one or nothing will change that.
BOTH! ???
I love all animals ?
That must s*ck, I'm sorry to hear that but there's really nothing I can do in this position. Hope you get over that crush soon.
Having no plan for future events, being unorganised terrifys me!
Romantic gestures. Making plans without my knowledge and suprising me and showing me you actually want to spend time with me.
I am. :)
Feeling like I owe everyone an explanation on my life choices and feelings and also feeling like I have to defend myself against bad things said about me behind my back.
Yeah, pizza
"I kissed her".
Oh okay then, I have no idea buddy :) I'm really not in the mood for this sht. fck Qooh.Me!
Bonnie? Haha
Who is this? I hope it's not who I think..
No I'm not that low.
Um who? Haha I have no idea who you are sorry..
"Why didn't spider man get 8 legs when he got his power?"
Oh why thank you!
Oh Jesus, well I will always remember this but when I was in like year 9 I think me and my best friend at the time Simone accidentally killed something (I think we dropped a birds egg and felt terrible) so we decided to burry it and say some words while I was starting my apology I was standing in a rock that tilted side to side so I had a bit of fun and then Simone screamed and pointed at the Rock! My first thought was oh Jesus a giant spinner was about to climb up my leg but infact it was just a lizard, anyway long story short I pissed my pants.. ??
I'm sure you could. Good luck with that!
Anyone could make me happy, I run off Big Macs. ?
Stay where? Swan hill or Jesse? Im staying because I have a roof over my beautiful daughters head and as long as she's safe and happy I'm doing a good job.
Honestly don't care, I'm at the point where if he wants to be with someone else he can be. I wouldn't be affected at all.
Hahaha! Thank you I'm sure you're just as pretty!
It's hard, harder then I thought but I think honestly I got extremely lucky. Khaleesi is redicously happy and she makes me proud everyday. So even though it's hard it's 100 percent worth it. ❤️