How did you and your best friend meet?
Through a mutual friend and well, she got sad over a boy and for some reason got my number told me to come around because she needed someone and we got stoned.
Have you ever s*cked Dic*?
Does it matter?
A ****job would be so nice from you.
Im sure it would. Keep dreaming.
I wanna *** in your face.
Thats f***ing lovely.
who had se* with u to make u pregnant?
My ex boyfriend
Thoughts on dymal chamapneri?
Um, I dont know who that is..
why so short
I dont know :c
why don't you and daniel stewart date each other, come on its pretty easy to see that if a guy is your bestie, and is your everything he definetly likes you, so date him
Nooo....its nothing like that. And i'll never date a boy who is that close to me as a friend again. Its not worth f***ing up the friendship.
What are the things you like about: daniel stewart, josh blyth, chadd schmalow, bailey parker and kyle eads?
Daniel: f***ing everything, he's my bestie and always will be <3
Josh: His a cutie once you get to know him
Chadd: His my special bestfriend as he was my first best friend at manors
Bailey: His a great guy
Kyle: Wow, he's a special kid and we have soo many memories :)
Are you having the baby or not
thoughts on : mitchell cassidy, josh stumpo, zac creece, bailey parker, daniel stewart, mitchell lowery
Mitch: He's abit special but a good kid
Josh: dont know who that is
Zac: dont know either
Bailey: amazing kid
Daniel: He's my bestie, he's amazing <3
Mitch: Dont really know well
Describe getting pregnant
Well theres a little alien baby thing inside you. How the f*** do you describe it? -.-
did you speak to your boyfriend before terminating the pregnancy, about what he wanted ?
It was complicated...
Why didn't your bf wear a condom
You like Justin bieber?
Not really
You are such a strong minded and beautiful girl <3 don't let anyone tell you different xo
Thank you! That means soo much! xox
What does se* feel like?
Uhm. I dunnno
Stay strong gorgeous your are such a brave and strong girl with all the stuff you've gone through xox
Awh thankyou! :)
im so sorry to hear about your parent's i've lost one parent and that was hard enough i couldn't imagine how you feel, stay strong xx
Sorry to hear about yours, and thanks x
Midget p*rn
Awh fek this isn't google :/
Love me? kiara_5
Oh god. I do love you <3
What age were you when your parents died?
3 and 6.
if you dont mind me asking, how did your parents die?
My dad had a drug overdose and mum had cancer
im so sorry to hear about your parents! i had no idea
Thats okays, not many people do.
who got you pregnant?
My ex boyfriend. **** ive already answered this like 3 times
what did your parent think?
My parents are dead. The dont have brains so they didnt think anything.
HAHA! Who the fk would ask such a stupid question
I dont even. just wow. Yeah
So I'm guessing no condom?
Oh good job! :D
do you still go mannors?
How did you get pregnet
....wow. You just went to a whole new stupid.
What high school do you go to
Manor Lakes
And this is why i love you :3
If you post one more depressing status on Facebook I am going to report you
My statuses aren't depressing? 90% Of them are song lyrics. And thats great, you do that :D
Food is great, f*** I like food, mm im hungry now, food <3 kiara_5
I just ate food :3 Jealous? ;)
you'r so strong to be putting up with all this crap, people can be so immature and thinks its a joke, keep that chin up beautiful <3
Thankyou :)
ignore all the crap that's happening if they feel so strong about the choice you made maybe they should get knocked up and be forced with having to provide for a child when they can't even look after themselves. I admire your strength <3
Thank you :)
You couldve given that teddy bear to your child if you didnt abort it haha
You know what. **** You! You think this is a ****ing joke and I hope you get hit by a ****ing bus better yet, I hope you grow some balls and come off anon cos then you're ****ed!
I admire the strength you have to keep putting up with all this crap, not to mention putting up with the stupid idiots that think they have the right to tell you what to do with your body. Stay strong and beautiful gorgeous!
I love you and your face. Just thought I should say.. >< AbbyChynnae
I love you and your face so much more <3
can we pls have se*?
Yeah totally, i love sleeping with randoms! :D
..... -.-
Like I'm sure you would be more judgemental if she had the baby like f***ing leave her alone and support her for what she went through because its not like it doesn't affect her either you as*holes
*rant over*
Finally someone who understands! :)
Instead of criticising Taylor you f***s respect the decision she made whether you think it's right or wrong you should try being pregnant not knowing what to do at 15 she had more strength than you would to make that decision
Thank you <3
How many times have you had se*? Is it with the same guy?
Lost count, and there's been a couple of guys.
When did you lose your virginity x
End of year 8 :/
What schooll do you go to
Manor Lakes College
Did the guy wanna keep the kid
What suburb do you live in now?
Manor Lakes
What did your grandparents think of you abortion?
They said I did the right thing.
I actually think your quite attractive but i know you wouldn't think the same......
Thanks, and you never know :)
can i lick you'r putt'ay babe'ay
Thats some nice english you have there :D
i just want to make love to you, i can get my mind over you
Awh thats coote as :3
i would f*** your feet, then shove my Dic* in your Pu**y, and f*** your tight Pu**y damnnnnn
Please dont even mention feet. I hate feet. They make me want to be a snail. Snails dont have feet the lucky *****es.
well im about 7.8" long and about 3" wide, reckon that would be loose or tight?
Um...thats nice :)
dayumn, you dont keep count, so ure saying if im not careful i could turn into indiana jones and be cave explorin?
Hahahahahhahahahaha, oh wow, that made me giggle. No. Not at all.
do you play with your self?
**** oath, every night babe. -.-
Did you have an abortion?
how many finger's can you fit in? just wondering, i might be too big :/
Hahahahahahaha. Im sorry but it's not like i keep count of that **** :')
your beauty can be seen across the globe, can it come from my bedroom just once?
Hahaha, this is kinda amusing :3
you have gorgeous eye's, do you mind if i stare into them?
Awh!! That is quite adorable! :3
no, i didnt mean an*** that is disgusting in my opinion, well whats you'r favorite? ;)
Oh good! Haha dont really have one
do you bend over?
If by that, you mean do I take it up the as*. **** no.
you stupid slu* lol.... you get pregnant and kill a baby then when someone says he wants to have se* with you, you reply with thanks?
Just because someone says they want to have *ex with me doesn't mean I said yeah let's **** haha. Its a compliment. Do you really think I'd go through what i've gone through and then just go have *ex with someone?
I don't have facebook anymore. Sorry.
Awh its okay :)
We've never spoken but people need to have a little more respect for you. I imagine you're going through a tough time and you probably need support. So for the anons, you need to leave her alone. Keep your opinions to yourself. She is a beautiful girl.
Thank you! That actually means so much, and if we've never spoken, inbox me? :)
you're so hot!! i would love to f*** you ;)
Thanks man :)
you are so beautiful and cute <3
Awh! Thankyou, that put a smile on my face :3 Inbox me?
i would be honored to have se* with u!
Haha thanks i guess!
who was the father???
who was the father? just curious babe, i will support you all the way!
My ex boyfriend, Perry.
How long was it, you know in your womb?
i was 10 weeks so 2 and a half months
It's your body and it's your choice, don't let anyone else make you feel bad about the choice you made, it's your body and you decided what was best for you.
Thank you :)
Well it wasn't alive yet so I have no clue why people are saying you killed a baby.
Yeah i get that, but i guess cause had it had its own heartbeat and it had a body. I dont know, if i had kept it, it wouldn't have had the life i would want my child to have.
you killed an innocent child. you 'killed' it. wowwww
I legit can't work out if you're trying to make me feel like **** like the rest of them or not.
it wasnt a 'termination' its called an abortion, at least have some respect for the kid you killed
Actually no, the medical term is 'termination of pregnancy' Not once did any of the doctors use the term abortion. And don't ****ing tell me to have respect for it, It was my ****ing child. I did feel it growing inside of me and i did ****ing see it twice. I really wish all you ****ers would understand that this wasn't something i found easy or ****ing enjoyed.
who do you live with ?
My foster family
when were you pregnant ?
I had the termination last wednesday.
don't let that as*hole get you down with there comments you made the right choice terminating the pregnancy you should be proud of yourself :)
Thankyou, Ill try not to :)
Don't even talk to Jesse shell. His mine you stupid Bit**.
I don't talk to him? O.O....
Thanks. Now go jump. Nobody wants you here.
Ok. Cool
Baby killer! You f***ed up big time b!tch. Gonna get your head kicked in.
I ****ed up because I was pregnant at 15 and didnt keep it, because It wouldn't of just ****ed up my life, but my kids to? Yeah your smart.
Your a f***ing sad excuse of a human. Go jump Bit**
How could you get rid of an innocent life! Your f***ed!
**** I didn't want to but it was better for everyone that way.
Are you pregenant?
I was, I didnt keep it.
your so beautiful taylor :) Jess_Coe
Aw thanks :)
stahp being so cute <3
Im sowwwy! ^.^ <3
name some hot year 11 boys ?
Oh wow, umm probs Buddy, Jesse Shell...lol i can't think of any other year 11 boys :P
are you going out with perry?
Can\'t say I have actually haha
I remember when we f***ed :)
Ummm...inbox me?
if you had to choose a chick to root who would it be?
My kitten! <3
Do u root
Does it matter?
i think your actually so stunning x
Aww thankyou! :)