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2.2k Replies

Who do you like better ella c or rhiannon

Rhiannon's my bestfriend so there no one obove her<3

Tayxox replied 3703 days ago

What do you love the most?

Rhiannon and jesse

Tayxox replied 3704 days ago

Where do you want to live when you older?

Anywhere as long as I'm with nannon xx

Tayxox replied 3707 days ago

Thoughts on Harley

Such a cutie but I loved him so much at the start of the year when he had long hair and all he cared about was skating. Idk he just used to be a lot different but people change and I still love him xxx

Tayxox replied 3708 days ago

Your such a **** putting a photo of you and Rhiannon showing your asses up on Instagram and you wearing a g-string

My undies were just pulled up, get over it love

Tayxox replied 3708 days ago

do u and occy have a thing?

Nah why ?

Tayxox replied 3714 days ago

Craziest thing you ever did for money ?


Tayxox replied 3715 days ago

Why did u cut

What kind of question is this to out on

Tayxox replied 3719 days ago

The most unreliable person you know ?

A lot of people

Tayxox replied 3720 days ago

Who is the jackson in ur bio


Tayxox replied 3720 days ago

Stop wearing so much eyeliner!! It makes you look really tacky

It's not actually eye liner ahahhaa

Tayxox replied 3723 days ago

thoughts on me?? x angeladodd

Perfect xx

Tayxox replied 3730 days ago

Thoughts of chloe g?x

Love her xx

Tayxox replied 3730 days ago

what's Hayley wiesners snapchat name?

Ask her yourself ? Why would I tell you

Tayxox replied 3734 days ago

best friend and why

Matt park, coz he's my everything

Tayxox replied 3734 days ago 1