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Thankyou gorgeous! That really means a lot!!
Thankyou so much!!
I had an epidural so I didn't feel him come out but the contractions hurt more than you can imagine! But when they put your baby on your chest you forget all the pain! Its all worth it!
Noo I haven't! I'm actually happier than iv ever been :') but you think what you want fuccker!
The worst is probably how little sleep I get! The best is seeing him look up at me and knowing that o created him and gave birth to him! And his cuddles and cute faces!!
Hahahaha definatley not!
Hahaha he will ask me out in his own time :) and besides id prefer that we were just mates for now until I have bubba
I want too :)
Hahah "crush" I haven't heard that word in a long time!! His name is brad and I'm not sure!!
Yeeah of course, he has seen all my bits and pieces before! And he wants to be there which is his right!
My mumma bear and joshua :)
Yeees why is that?
Really? Your about the first person! Everyone thought id be the girl who got pregnant at a young age!
Yeeah man josh is gonna bash me!! Josh wouldnt hurt me, he isn't that kind of guy! And josh wouldn't care, :)
Oh trust me, I will definatley be on the pill as soon as this bubba is out!! :) and yees protection too hah
Ummm I don't really think you'd call that funny!! Hahahaha!!
Hahahaha oh my gosh :') I'll let him know that!!
Deffs going on a slurry rampage.....NOT!! I think I'll just stick my bradley! xoxo
Hehehe :')
Thankyou :) xoxo
44 years of age :)
Wooow calm down!! His name is brad, I don't know just gonna go with the flow, I hope so though
I have my eyes set on someone else :)
Umm well I'm not too sure who you are!!
Hahaha don't appologize :) xoxo
He is due on Wednesday :) but when this little one decides to come is conpletley up too him haha :) xoxo
Thankyou very much, I'm honestly not that brave though! I would give up everything, I would die for my son! Xoxo
My little boy will be a beautiful little boy!! Unlike you :) xoxox gossip goat!
Awww thankyou so much!! People say my son is lucky to have me but really I'm lucky to have him!! He saved me!!
**** yees!! You are awesome!! please inbox me!! rnThankyou so much, I hope I'll be a good mummy that's all I want!! :)
Yeeeah totally maan, rn1. Don't know who you are rn2. Wouldn't have *ex with anyone who isn't the father of my son whilst pregnantrn3. Personally I don't know why you find *ex with someone pregnant appealing
If they wanted to talk to me they would inbox me on facebook.
Nooo :(
Hahaha of course he will be!! He will take after his mummy and daddy ;) hahaha
I actually have :))
And your a goose and clumsy but I love you too bits too! <3 :)))
You have no life
That's nice that you think that but you obviously don't know him very well! And so what if he has no money? Are you trying too say that I go for guys with money? He is an amazing guy. End of story
Hahahahahahaha :') oh your funny!! No he isn't!! He is far from it!!
Yeeah it is :D
Hahaha I'll post one tomorrow!! :)
Hahaha no josh wouldn't cave him!! Josh just doesn't want anyone playing dad too his son!! And who it is isn't any of your buissness
I hope that one day me and josh get back together, I love him a lot, but I also have feelings for someone else, so I'm not sure!! I'll just go with the flow I guess!!
Sure, completly annoymous person!
Inbox me?
Inbox me?? :))
So what if I'm pregnant, that's none of your concern, it doesn't affect your life!! Your telling me you didn't have *ex at the age of 16? You never know the guy I'm pregnant too could have been the person I lost my virginity too? How would that make me a ****?
Some girls find that they become more ***** through out pregnancy but I have not found that at all!! :)
Ummm whhy?
I know!! I love gossip girl!! But it can be a boys name as well :)
Awww thankyou!! Inbox me who you are id love too know!! :))
I think you should inbox me, id love too thank you for saying this :) I hope I will be a good mummy, I love my little boy more than anything or anyone!
Inbox me whoo you are!!!!
I do not see how that is any of your buissness!! My past is my past, I'm not the person I used too be!
Ummmm that doesn't really make sense!! But thankyou xx
Yeeah maan tots!! rnKEEP ****ING DREAMING!
Thaats you
Hush hush cheeseball!! ;)
I know exactly who you are, come give me back tickles and ill make you fooood!!
Noo you can not, but you can eat my placenta if you want!!
I love you too
Awww :') love ya
You are seriously ****ed up!! Why on earth would you wish that on anyone!! You are a disgusting person and if you have a problem woth me so be ****ing it but don't ****ing bring my unborn son into it!
Why have a I ruined my teenage years? Because I'm choosing not too go out and get drunk every weekend, because I'm choosing to stay home with my son and raise a child I love? Sure if thays what you call ruining your teenage years than fine but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way :)
I'm right thanks
31st july but he could come anytime between now and than :))
Awww you cutie!! :') xxxx
10 DD what what daawgg
Not too sure yet, josh and I both like the name blair but it all really depends on what he looks like!! :))
Thankyou soo much :')
Aww you called me beautiful :')
Awww thankyou soo much :)
I'm sorry if I don't talk, I don't really talk to people much on facebook, but thankyou again your support means a lot!!
LOL I'm not a baby you f***ing idiot!! I'm proud to be having a baby I don't think you'd have the balls and strength too do it!! Seeing as you had to say this on annoymous!!
Of course I will!! Id never ever take joshs son away from him!! Josh is just as important to our son as I am!!
When I got pregnant we were together, but there was a brief period of time where we weren't together but still had se*!!
Ummm righto,
Markus sharpe was around the start of year 8 we were pretty much together thougj so it wasnt a crush
Probs darcy weeks or tristan petty
I hope I'll be a good mummy, iv had a lot of help from friends and family!! Xx
Thankyou :) xx
Only 4, I'm far from a slu*!! But people still like to call me one.
You can have se* right up until your waters break!! I havent had se* in maybe 2-3 months, and tbe only person iv had se* with and will jave se* with whilst I'm pregnant would be josh
Ahhhh whoever you are thankyou soo much! :') your awesome!!
Im pretty sure the night I got pregnant I was drunk!!
Thankyou :) xxx
Oh shi* sorry it is teana_freeman :)))
I know!! I am trying very hard to quit!! But its not an easy thing too do!!
He does sometimes :)
Checks in too see how his little man is doing :)
But I don't expect him too ask how I am, he shouldn't have to ask, I'm not his girlfriend :)
teana.freeman :))
How on earth am I still a rat?
Thankyou soo much :') <3
I'm not putting my childs saftey at risk at all!! Many women smoke 10-30 smokes a day I have no more than three, there is drug addicts who have perfectly healthy children, my baby is safely protected in my womb, as my midwife as told me he is perfectly healthy and safe!! Back in the day when your grandparents had your parents they didn't have the "no smoking" rule and your parents turned out just fine!! Don't tell me what I do and don't deserve thankyou very much!!
Ewww nooo!! Id probably kick them in the face f they tried
You are one f***ed up mother f***er!! You need help!!
I will very much have a great life thankyou :) x
P.s I'm not a slag
Thankyou :) x
I don't know!! I can't remember what I was thinking
Thankyou xxx
In all honesty it s*cks!! The only good thing is feeling my little man move and kick!! Thays about all realy!
Hahahaha oh my god you just made my day thankyou soo much :D <3