Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
She knows who she is. ;)
don't start. ;)
that's for me to know and you to find out
me 2
she's a nice girl and i miss being close with her.
Plenty of people.
Getting to a point in life where you can just spend time with the people you love and support them however they need.
yus u cn
You seem like a really funny girl! Great time in english last year haha. Message me anytime!
none, i'm a good kid.
Many people interest me
Many people interest me
i aint about that life
All beautiful and kind girls but I don't really like answering these things.
Dillon LaPointe. He did alright. :P
Well yeah haha, one of my friends drove in the 4th heat.
Because i dont really like anyone rn? haha
If you really want to know, message me and actually ask me.
na u luv me
i h8 u
not until i get mine yo
nah, its just me and my dope A$$ clouds
You're a really sweet person and im glad we've started talking again! :)
rere you're a pretty great person, i feel like we've got alot closer recently which im really happy about! england2k16
most definitely.<3
i'm glad we came to this agreement
correct sir
Superstar 4 life
Thankyou! <3
Thankyou, I Love you too! <3
love ya whit. <3
I mean this is my home now but thanks for the thoughts anyway.
You're awesome and we need to talk again soon!
ask ya mum
Aww Erika i love you so much! You're an amazing person, you're so kinda and thoughtful and you are always there for me whenever i need someone to talk to. We need to be alcoholics together soon <3
I'd like to say genetics but who really knows. :(
Not really, i'm generally a very forgiving person. Not a good thing sometimes.
Idk, cuddling. Watching movies. Normal stuff I guess.
She's a good person and I'm glad that we've become better friends recently, still need to party sometime too.
I miss you tooooo
Youre a pretty good time and hopefully we can drink together again soon, last time was pretty dope.
Goats everyday
Considering this has been posted on my qooh four times in the last couple of days something is obviously going on. Message me if you want to know anything.
I'm adorable I know
We ended a while back lol
Every single one
I like sacrificing them
I make the best bagels
You're a really sweet girl and I'm glad that we are friends, ps nerd night is happening soon.
Hahaha, alright.
Well we've only recently started talking but youre me such a kind person and I'm glad you were here for me like I'm here for you.
You're a great person and I'm glad we started hanging out, hopefully we can go to another party soon. It's been to long.
We're all A$$holes
I said tell me something I don't know?
Thank you, I appreciate that.
A lot.
You blithering scoundrel.
Pretty good, thanks for asking.
Who knows.
uhh who is this lol
Pretty sure i kissed someone last night, idk who.
****ing doooope, it was an amazing time.
You're really sweet and a good person, you've let me talk to you about things that i havent talked to anyone about and i appreciate that. <3333
Who the **** is Nicki?
Pass Not sure Don't know who that is. Not sure Pass